‘Tite Harold ae. —— Sports Edi The Associated Press, " Star Building, Kansas City, Missouri sca antennal late eens uaa nisl é re Aerie lta gue reeorl nagar adhere ocean angg nl at 10:50 aeme I said, "Well, this met bd mental suai thea 1 au sap Ue madeline © uke ad CG uk ek Cha a eee { galled Horace theon an asied for coy of the article: that he had mailed out. I asked him if he had quoted me as saying — that Oklahoma would defeat Olklahaun ve & Me in the Fifth District ; torious after a thrilling combat. I asked Horace for a news release oe ‘the office, so I am mailing it to , Today I have written Henry Tha denying that I ma » and I wish thet you correct it in some of your tween the Miseourt Valley and the Mg six for the Fifth Dietrict eter wales ius shel ntroxloualy mig Sn tetinn Stlay Sal ian Ws eee ial el sa elds aia, waa soe not trying to lead Bruce Drake's canaries into the feline's cages The statenent that I mde was to the effect that olleaham has a pcr yoensinng, Se yc-yryaer umpteen gala peans lll whe heigl end power in their make-up. Only Missouri can match then in ages With this advantage for OkJahana, and with the Seoners playing on their home court, in my opinion, it is too much of a task for any of the challengers to the Sooners. With Missouri and Kansas play- ing four games away from home, and one of those four gemes for each