November 23, 1939¢ “we. Cayl Be. Cooper, 916 Noe Sth Street, Kansas City, Yansase Iemediately upon reeeipt of your letter I personally went in the Athietie Office to see Mr, Jarl Fallenstien, the Mnenciel secretary, end there just aren't any good seats left in the "K" section, or seats that we would like to give you had we been ethletic directare However, Mre Talkenstien did the very best he could eare in getting the best he had under the conditions, ‘You may rest agsured if there were emy good seats to be hed thet you and your family would be placed there, not only om your escount but on account of your good dad, "OsKe" Billy Willismson. I was always very fond of hime He was ee es with every good wish, I em FCA sAH | Varsity Basketball Coache ete dreaday ght porn mya Im OK (fly) ULegenia for rate mt fp ibd is te i , zk’ g nih | Ah Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coachs Sincerely yours, you for your kind invitation and 7 cen % I carmot be with yous ith tile Kansas City, ilo. Dear Claude: FOa&sAl - —e from ‘tis diel of eee iy ‘ CLAUDE COCHRAN KANSAS CITY, MO. November 21, 1939 Mr. Forest G. Allen, Bsesketball Coach Kenses University Lawrence, Kenses Dear"Phog" We heve chenged the dete end plece of our annus] K.U.- M.U. pre-geme footbell relly, end heve now decided thst it will be held st the Bouleverd Menor, the old Steuben Club, Armour end Forest, Kensss City, Missouri. We heve ssked the footbsll steff to be represented at the Relly, neturelly, end if it is st sll possible for you to get swey on thet evening, I would like to extend to you es persons! invitetion to be with us. We heve been fortunste enough to secure "Alf" Lendon ss our principel speaker end we heve s swell progrem plenned. Sincerely CHIEF QUARTERBACK - | : peek 5 fo Aha nwhe di. a eo fase a7 an J asld eon ce De ae riteret - Unpncy Wall heey is le John Bs Carlson, attorney, counsellor and friend to youth, Rotarian and educator, but to us “Swede", a great athlete of an “ever=victorious" epoch, went on and made “All American" in life's strenuous competitions | GirLson came up the hard way, but the honest way. The son of a Swedish immigrant, this boy who carried a Kansas City Star route in Kansas City, Kensas, during his high school days, quit this hi gh school because his father advised him to marry and settle down early. The father argued that the income fran this lucrative newspaper route ws sufficient. He chose the alternative, John was a great catcher on his high school team. Withe out him the team was impotent. The firemen’ of Kansas City, Kansas, waited on John’s fether and persuaded him to allow John to return to high sohool to play on the high school team and incidentally to graduate. In the early days the fire stations turned out fine baseball teams and it was only naturel that the firenen would be interested in the success of John and his high school teams Tt was prophetic that a wreath from the Kensas City, Kansas, firemen occupied the central location at the bier showing the long and mutual affections The following year "Swede" matriculated at the University of Kansas where his fame as a baseball player far outshone his brilliance on the gridiron. It is rather significant of John Carlson that he always was in the center of things. In baseball he chose the position back of the plate, and on the football field he pleyed the roving center position. "No passed balls“ and “no player through his position” were two of his axioms for which he indefatigably fought, "Swede" Carlson had no peer on “20 the intercollegiate gridiron or on the diamong, Te made the "All Tine" team of eachs John Carlson played ball because he loved it. But in playing brilliantly he introdwed himself favorably to business end to society, After graduating from the Law School of the University of Kansas, John Carlson returned to his home city, Kansas City, Kansas, and began the practice of law. Years ago John told me the story of his first trial case in the Federal Court. John Carlson said, “My kmees were Imocking together and the Federal Judge ou tat 1 wae soared to Gehths iy head began 40 oulite Pine ally Judge Polliosk looked down fran over his glasses and seid, 'Go ahead, Swede, I've seen you play football lots of timest*” — "Gosh", said Swede, "that was all that I neoded! i tore into that case end won ite I've always remembered that incident and 1 have always tried to pass the word of encouragement on to youths" As president of the Board of Education of his home city, as Senator fron his district end as one of the key men of his comnomrealth, John Carlson ever justified the faith that men of ell creeds and color had in hime Youth loved him because he had en understanding sympathy with their profilems. He is not dead beonuse he lives in the hearts of youths «— Forrest Ce Allens Complete Line of Stationery and Office Supplies Office Furniture Mechanical Equipment and Repair Department Mimeographs Typewriters Adding Machines Check Writers Check Protectors Stapling Machines Large and Small Ete.; Ete:, Ete: Kodaks and Developing Gifts and Prizes Leather Goods Brief Cases Toilet Cases Playing Cards Poker Chips Score Pads Fountain Pens and Repairs Special Indexing and Filing Systems Shaw-Walker Filing Cases And Transfer Cases and Folders Exclusive Lines Eaton’s Berkshire Typewriter Papers Webster's Carbon Papers Sight Light Lamps Liberty Storage Files And Many Other Standard and Novelty Lines F. S.CRANE, PRESIDENT C.L.MITCHELL, SECRETARY FRINTING - [ITHOGRAPHING - EMBOSSING BANK STATIONERY - OFFICE, FURNITURE ToPEKA, KANSAS Dec. 5, 1939 University of Kansas, Department of Physical Education, Lawrence, Kansas. Gent lemen: Thank you very kindly for your order No. 5403 calling for the No. 676 Music Lettering Guide and the No. 4118 Music Stylus. We did not have these in stock but are orderng them shipped to you direct from the manufacturer and they will go forward in the next few days. We trust this delivery date will be satisfactory and hope to hear from you whenever we can be of further service. Yours very truly, CRANE & COMPANY By Rake JJR:ERL iis and Mrs. Tem Cheathan, Varrensburg, lissourie Dear Tom and Annes I am bringing the basketball team down on Friday, and Urse Allen is still waveringe I'll bet at the last minute she will cone with use Weare pleming to come down in the afternoon and stay overnight « We are locking forward to seeing yous Mite We Fs Coon, UDes 1420 Insurance Kansas City, Moe Dear Junes it is swell of you and the Coen family to always be remembering the Allens. You are a great outfit. We were hapoy indeed to win thet bell game. It was a tough one. Pick Harp and Dom Ebling played phenomensl ball, and I know you would heave been very proud of your. ' brothers in the bond. We will be hapzy to see you end Ben Bond in Narrens- burge The game wee originally called for 7:30, but will be @alled at & pete I thought I would let you imow. Expecting to see you Friday night, and with all good wishes, I an Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. W. F. COEN 1420 INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING KANSAS CITY, Mo. December 6,1939 Dr.Forrest C.Allen U.of Kansas Athletic Dep't. Lawrence ,Kansas Dear Doe: Congratulations on a swell start to another big year.The Coen,Jrs are expecting an addition in the early spring and so it is a little hard to make all the games however Ben Bond and I are driving to Warrensburg to see you tan their hides Friday.I was talking to their eoach the other day and I guess he has a very tall bunch of boys.sSo much the herder they fall! Anyway good luck and may the thirtieth year be the biggest one of all. Yours very truly, Mite John F. Carmody, Director of Athletics, Haskell Insti tute, Lawrences, Kansas e Dear Johns Thank you very much for your kindness in sending me two season passes to your athletic events. This is very thoughtful of you, and I trust that it weit be poestula ee ee ee during the wimtere _ ‘With best wishes for a most successful season, ZI em Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coaches UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Haskell Institute Lawrence, Kansas December 4, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Enclosed you will find two of our Annual Athletic Passes for the current school year. We wish to say that these passes will also be honored at our boxing events. ¥ We hope that you will find time to attend all or many of our athletic events this year. Sincerely yours, i] Eo? John F. Carmody fer of AthYetics Central Missouri State Teachers College vequests the honor of yout presence at the dedication of the Ward Edwards Library Building gle Walter E Morwow Physical Education and Health Building and the obescanar of One Hundred Years of Public Teacher Education tn the United States on Wednesday, the thirteenth of December one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine at Warienshurg, Missouri Program of Events DECEMBER 13, 1939 nm HENDRICKS HALL CENTENNIAL 2:00 P. M. Pageant 4:00 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:30. 2Nr. Campus Tours Social Hour—Alumni Chapter, Host—Soc- ial Center, Administration Building DEDICATION Processional Invocation—Dr. J. C. Hollyman Morning Hymn—Henschel, The Madrigal Choir Presentation of the presiding officer—Adolph Musser, President, Board of Regents Introduction of Distinguished Guests Presentation of Buildings—Governor Lloyd C. Stark Response—President George W. Diemer Turn Back O Man—Holst, The Madrigal Choir Benediction—The Rev. Richard L. Harbour Recessional Centennial Ball—Physical Education and Health Building Hovember 9, 1939 Dr.» Harriet Crawford, 504 Commerce Bldr., Kansas City, i | Dear Dre Crewfords Thank you for your kind note of November le I trust that linse Fairhurst is receiving treatment and relief. Thank you also for the offer of your treatment rooms With best wishes, I am Sincerely Yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA em Complete Line of Stationery and Office Supplies Office Furniture Mechanical Equipment and Repair Department Mimeographs Typewriters Adding Machines Check Writers Check Protectors Stapling Machines Large and Small Etc. Ete.; Etc: Kodaks and Developing Gifts and Prizes Leather Goods Brief Cases Toilet Cases Playing Cards Poker Chips Score Pads Fountain Pens and Repairs Special Indexing and Filing Systems Shaw-Walker Filing Cases And Transfer Cases and Folders Exclusive Lines Eaton's Berkshire Typewriter Papers Webster’s Carbon Papers Sight Light Lamps Liberty Storage Files And Many Other Standard and Noveity Lines F. S. CRANE. PResivent c. — en anew _soneene BANK STATIONERY - OFFICE, FURNITURE TOPEKA, KANSAS University of Kansas, Department of Athletics, Lawrence, Kansas. Gentlemen: At the request of our representative, Mr. Michaels, we are-pleased to quote you as follows: 1 Noe 676 Music Lettering Guide $3.20 1 No. 411B Music Sty li Be 2D The above prices are net and f.oebe Lawrence. Thanking you for the privilege of quoting and hoping to be favored with your order which would be given our immediate attention, we remain Yours very truly, CRANE & Ze. ao JCF sERL WHEN IN NEW YORK... We invite you to visit our exhibit rooms and museum. You will find here special sections devoted te dis- plays of: Models and Manikins, Charts and Atlases for the Biological, Medical and Nursing Sciences Anatomical Bacteriological Botanical Embryological Gynecological Hospital Dolls Neurological OB Manikins, Dolls and Charts Pathological Moulages Physical Education Pocket Guide of Anatomy Tuberculosis Urological Zoological Skeletons, Skulls and Bone Preparations Human Zoological Prepared Specimens Spalteholz Preparations Human and Zoological Zoological Dissections and Life Histories Cabinets for Skeletons Models, etc. Laboratory Instruments, Supplies and Specialties including Dissecting Kits and Instruments Microdissecting Instruments ADAMS Centrifuges Angle Centrifuges Universal models for micro work Museum Jars GOLD SEAL micro slides and cover glasses Concavity and culture slides Micro slide boxes and trays Magnifiers Hemacytometers Hemoglobinometers Substage Lamps 4 fost Ted Set = C: NEW YORK Telephone ALgonquin 4-9779 Nov. 13, 1939 Prof. F. G. Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Prof. Allen: We are pleased to hear from you again through the recent visit by our representative, Mr. Zabel, and are glad to note your further interest in the Model of the Torso No. 2000 which was previously demonstrated. We will have one of these on display during the Physical Education meetings in Chicago Nov. 24th and 25th, and Mr. Zabel will look forward to talking with you again at that time. Very truly yours, CLAY-ADAMS COMPANY, INC. fred Mannhardt irector atural Science Dept. LAM:RN ec /HEZ | = Jeawn that 2560 tickets have been sent to the Athletic Office at the University of Missouris These seats are in sections I-diell<0, the center of the field, on the Very sineerely yours, Director of Physical — FUAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W.DANCY, CREDIT MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, V.P. & Fac’y. SUPT. R.C. CAMPBELL, VICE PRESIDENT KARL H.ROYER, MOSE. MANAGER GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT D.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. LES R.FREEBURG, VicE PRES.& TREAS. KANSAS CITY,MO. MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. CINCINNAT!, OHIO PHILADELPHIA,PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON,D.C. KANSAS CITY,KANS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, !OWA WORCESTER,MASS. BOSTON, MASS. DALLAS, TEXAS CHICAGO, ILL. ST. PAUL, MINN. ST. LOUIS, MO. DETROIT, MICH. DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE,N.C. PETA/L WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING OB/S PINE STAEET. Seavey Lh , He, Nov. 10th, 1939 J. B.MOORE St.Louis MANAGER IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO Dr.Forrest ©. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen:- I am in need of five tickets to the Kansas- Missouri game at Lawrence, on November 25th, and I wish you would make reservation for five for me on the Missouri side, and advise me by return mail the amount and I will send check immediately. Not knowing exactly whomto write, I am bothering you with this request as I am acquainted with you through our meetings in Kansas City. In the event that the tickets for this particular game on the Missouri side are being sold at Columbia, 1 would appreciate you advising, so that I may make proper contact there. Best regards and thanks for taking care of this for me. Cordially yours, =z > CL peel ¢ \ \ Je E. Clark THE INDIAN-DETOUR AND GRAND CANYON LINE The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System From_Lewrenée : To___Gieveland Ohio d& returne ITINERARY OF YOUR TRIP This schedule is based on current time tables, which are subject to change without notice au 4 Lb, 26 prereset Mn ae“ ar Bs co Transfer te the iefalle St Station. SSereeeel lor). waa Ar, Cleveland Ohie, NeY¥.C. No 90. 7-32AM Tue "" 28, a nee: ees SS ew Ar, Chicage, ' Be mi 71a ‘tr “FO OR. | | | wesShevaland tite yeaeee, Ne 5 1.30AM Thr ** 30, i Ar, Chicago WY No 5 740AM Thr 30. ** Transfer to the Santa Fe depot. ay Lawrence mentee en Re Powe B00 Transfer included in your ticket. Round trip rail ticket,good in chair car between lawrence adtan/ Ghi caal paned good in upper berth between Chicago and Cleveland, $36.85. Round trip rail ticket,good in chair car between lawrence and Chicago,and good in lewer berth between Chicagonand Cleveland, 38.85. Lower berth between Chicago and Cleveland,one way, 3.656 wer—ber+k a oat ne 1 Os ee Sica og Remarks: __ ion 11<14<39 a Grand Canyon National Park and the Indian-detours, on the Santa Fe to or from California and Southern Arizona, offer matchless stopovers of any length and at any season. The Santa Fe is the only railroad entering Grand Canyon National Park. _ Pullmans direct to the Rim. i&ndian-detours explore by motor the cliff dwellings, Indian pueblos and quaint native villages of the Spanish-Indian country about Old Santa Fé, New Mexico. CAN. ave top} Pac. GCALGAR i oe <. (YOSEMITE BRYCE cA} G ~/ ZION * (ON. eter? EL pAATIONAL PARK NATIONAL PARK * ae GENERAL GRANT : € AATIONAL PARK He iNATIONAL 51, SEQUOI. A : ty ATIONAL PARK SNATIONAL PARK x oe oN ee The Santa Fe is the only line under one management “all the way’’— Chicago to California and Phoenix— thus insuring uniformity of service G fy -- CULE f. CHRISTI XH! BROWNSVILLE ==> Santa Fe Double Track {Santa Fe Single Track Other Lines a llovember 16, 1939¢ Cramer Chemical Conpesy, Gardner, Tecsase Dear Sirs: - would greatly appreciate it if you would plase my meme on your miling list for the “First Aider". : Sincerely yours, James He aport, Sustcuites te Moetind Binkstnen, Varsity Swimming Coache November 22, 1959 Dre Re Te Wetkins Menoriel Hospital, University of Kansase | Deas Dr. Cemrtesons T em posting an emergency notice in the basketball dressing room today exvhasizing the necessity of the boys having their physical examimtions completed within the next typ dayse 3 i en sure this notice will bring an inmedinte res- Thanking you for your cooperation, I am Sincerely yours, Diswatar of Phynioel Dinotion eat Hoorenton