—e from ‘tis diel of eee iy ‘ CLAUDE COCHRAN KANSAS CITY, MO. November 21, 1939 Mr. Forest G. Allen, Bsesketball Coach Kenses University Lawrence, Kenses Dear"Phog" We heve chenged the dete end plece of our annus] K.U.- M.U. pre-geme footbell relly, end heve now decided thst it will be held st the Bouleverd Menor, the old Steuben Club, Armour end Forest, Kensss City, Missouri. We heve ssked the footbsll steff to be represented at the Relly, neturelly, end if it is st sll possible for you to get swey on thet evening, I would like to extend to you es persons! invitetion to be with us. We heve been fortunste enough to secure "Alf" Lendon ss our principel speaker end we heve s swell progrem plenned. Sincerely CHIEF QUARTERBACK