“20 the intercollegiate gridiron or on the diamong, Te made the "All Tine" team of eachs John Carlson played ball because he loved it. But in playing brilliantly he introdwed himself favorably to business end to society, After graduating from the Law School of the University of Kansas, John Carlson returned to his home city, Kansas City, Kansas, and began the practice of law. Years ago John told me the story of his first trial case in the Federal Court. John Carlson said, “My kmees were Imocking together and the Federal Judge ou tat 1 wae soared to Gehths iy head began 40 oulite Pine ally Judge Polliosk looked down fran over his glasses and seid, 'Go ahead, Swede, I've seen you play football lots of timest*” — "Gosh", said Swede, "that was all that I neoded! i tore into that case end won ite I've always remembered that incident and 1 have always tried to pass the word of encouragement on to youths" As president of the Board of Education of his home city, as Senator fron his district end as one of the key men of his comnomrealth, John Carlson ever justified the faith that men of ell creeds and color had in hime Youth loved him because he had en understanding sympathy with their profilems. He is not dead beonuse he lives in the hearts of youths «— Forrest Ce Allens