Siwce d- Ce, Cc. M. ARNOLD, MANAGER DOWNS, KANSAS June 16 1938 ‘re. Hulteen Secty of Physical Ed. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mrs. Hulteen: I am writing in regard to my delayed rec¢ipt of my check for work in the Physical Education department during the months of April and May. This check was dus around June 10th but has not as yet been received. I had no place to leave my address with the business office, so I left this check in. your care, I believe that you were to send it totme as soon as it was received. Will you.please send this check to me as soon as possible. “y a°’ress is James Arnold, 900 West Beal Street, D owns, Kansas. This favor will be greatly appreciated, I wish you the best of luck this summer and hope to see you in Dr. Allen's office again next year. Enclosed is a three cent stax for the return envedope.