WHEN IN NEW YORK... We invite you to visit our exhibit rooms and museum. You will find here special sections devoted te dis- plays of: Models and Manikins, Charts and Atlases for the Biological, Medical and Nursing Sciences Anatomical Bacteriological Botanical Embryological Gynecological Hospital Dolls Neurological OB Manikins, Dolls and Charts Pathological Moulages Physical Education Pocket Guide of Anatomy Tuberculosis Urological Zoological Skeletons, Skulls and Bone Preparations Human Zoological Prepared Specimens Spalteholz Preparations Human and Zoological Zoological Dissections and Life Histories Cabinets for Skeletons Models, etc. Laboratory Instruments, Supplies and Specialties including Dissecting Kits and Instruments Microdissecting Instruments ADAMS Centrifuges Angle Centrifuges Universal models for micro work Museum Jars GOLD SEAL micro slides and cover glasses Concavity and culture slides Micro slide boxes and trays Magnifiers Hemacytometers Hemoglobinometers Substage Lamps 4 fost Ted Set = C: NEW YORK Telephone ALgonquin 4-9779 Nov. 13, 1939 Prof. F. G. Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Prof. Allen: We are pleased to hear from you again through the recent visit by our representative, Mr. Zabel, and are glad to note your further interest in the Model of the Torso No. 2000 which was previously demonstrated. We will have one of these on display during the Physical Education meetings in Chicago Nov. 24th and 25th, and Mr. Zabel will look forward to talking with you again at that time. Very truly yours, CLAY-ADAMS COMPANY, INC. fred Mannhardt irector atural Science Dept. LAM:RN ec /HEZ