Bogotap, Gukedia, December I, 1939. a Phog:- i? been a long time ‘since we have written dank other, but. this time I heve really good news--for me » that ig--that I would like you: to —— as confidential. . ‘It’s this:- unless something arises to make it cepeactatie, I shell be leaving here on December 20 for the States by Pan american for a six-week leave, my first time out of South America since I arrived in Buenos Aires on November 13, 1935. Four years "in" is an evtully long | time, believe me, and I ‘shall be really glad to get out. ‘. The Tegson I want you to treat that as confidentis] te wie I have learned through witter experience that nothing is "on" down here — until it actually comes off. I can only hope that nothing erises to make Ait impossible for me to leave but anything can happen, and generglly does. _ I would hate to have any ,of my friends hear I was coming Dack and then not get —_ i am sure you ll see how thet is. oe ot 3 Well, the Te_son for writing, in the ents place, is to ask 4 big favor of you. I plan to leave New Tleans, where my Mother now ig Pate living, for Kansgs City about January I0, and arriving oack in New Orlegns about Janugry 25. That would give me two weeks, and *auring that time I certainly want to see one of your Kanses teams play. At the game time, I would like to see if I could get as mgny of my old friends as pogsible to get down to Lawrence on the same night for a get-together, such gs Bob Fegan, Rex Brack, etcetera. Now I think the best time for that would fe a weekend. S30 I am going to ask you to put sway for me two good Teserved séat tickets for whatever games Bansas plays at Lawrence on weekends between January I0 and Januar I don t know When exams start up there now. If you will be kind enough to write me by return airmail ; - gbout this, then possibly I will know enough to make it definite vefore I leave here as to whet game I can see. I will not be able to send you a dollar draft for the seats from here because of exchange control aee- ations, but I can send it immediately I hit New Orleans. ~ | Will you let me know about. this, Phog, as son as a sO I can straighten out the thing for you as scon as I know the Kansas home a seeiaeins and take a. look at plane schedules? : — things ate looking bright for you in basketbell. How's | “it shape UP, oriefly put? are there any of my lodge beesaese on the team? With ay best persongl regatde to you and ‘the Allen family. Sincerely, - | | | HM G2-Kererrg On - Dr. . Gs ates, | Alan Coogan. University of Kansas, ; | , lias 2 : a ste \‘} ee wu %