ST. JOSEPH PUBLIG SCHOOLS VOCATIONAL DIVISION ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI T. E. DALE TEACHER COORDINATORS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS SAMUEL EDMUNDS GILBERT CUTHBERTSON HUBERT U. CAMPBELL DIRECTOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION GERTRUDE SAMMONS ALICE PIPKIN WILLIAM P. GREEN COORDINATOR DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION KITSY TOWNSEND 10th and Felix Jan. 14, 1940 Dr. F. C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: It has been several years sence our paths crossed, but I have followed your teams with a great deal of interest and much admiration. You have consistently produced excellent teams. Sence graduating from M U I have been coaching here and officiating whenever I could get away. I am no longer coaching and my work is such that 1 can get away to officiate so I am trying to improve my officiating schedule. I would like very much to have an opportunity to work for you in the near furure. The following are some of the coaches I have worked for. Wilbur Staleup---Teachers College---Maryville, Mo Dick Meinershagen--Chillicothe Business College-- Chillicothe, Mo. N. P. Kyle---Tarkio College----T,rkio, Mo. Martie Peters---St. Benedicts College---Atchison, Kan. Clarence A Clingenpeel---Central College--- Fayette, Mo. Best wishes for a most successful season. Sincerely yours, Rhett 2t¢4f Hubert U Campbell