—~ BartTLesucie; OKLAHOMA, Sept. 11, 1037 My Dear Mr. Allen, I want you to know that I appreciate the letter that I received from you today. I wish now that I could have known before the things IT realize today. But as it is impossible to recall our high school days I want you to know that I am taking your advise as I enter College, I believe I could have made good in your school and in the past few months had hoped it would be possible for me to enter there, But | as time drew near and I failed to hear from you I made arrangements to enter O. U. I just completed all arrangements yesterday. Coach Harold Schmidt is a splendid fellow and has benn grand to me. I want to show him that I can make good in athletics and also in academic studies. Since I graduated last spring I have been in the emppoy of Phillips Petroleum Company and the contact with such men as Schmidt, Boots Adams, Paul Endicott and hundreds of other successful men does something to you. It makes you want to do your dead level best at all times. I realize at my age of seventeen that all the future is mine to make the best of and the letter from my Dutch uncle, Po@ Allen will only help to make that future more sucessful. Someday I hope to meet you and thank you personally for your kind- nesse Sincerely,