Mr, Wayne G, Culp, | : | Beloit, Kansas, 3 7 Dear Wayne? I was in the East when the announcement of your wedding arrived, But I want to take this means to express on. behalf of Mrs, Alien and my- self our sineerest ani very best wishes to you = and your good wife for 4 long and prosperous - wedded life. : : ‘Mrs, Allen, Eleanor and I spent part of the: time in New York City, and between times we spent at the cottage on the shores of Lake Maxincukekee at Culver, Indiana. or spent his past three summers at Culver, craduating there in the. Black Horse Troup this August. He is now a frestian on a the Hill, teking 2 pre-medic course. I also had a coaching school with Matty Dell at Lake Okoboji, near Spirit Lake, Towa. a fine summer swimming, playing golf, attending coaching school. = While in Few York we went out to Jones Beach, — the most beautiful bathing spot in the world, on I do not see you often, Wayne, dat I would could it . see occasion af ever come through Lawrence and will give me # ing, end we will have lunch together. : | Give my kindest regards te your good Dad end ~ : 7 the rest of your fine family, femouber, I am : sincere in wishing you a wonderful future, With every good wish, I aus Sincerely yours, -pOasaH #8 ©” — Director of Physieal Education,