ality, to be of real and lasting worth, is not complete without integrity, ideal- ism, courage, unselfishness, and depend- ability. These make character. Persons of effective personality are courteous, sym- pathetic, cooperative. They have good manners, are careful about personal ap- pearance, keep their ideals high, their voices pleasing, their emotions under con- trol. They are not afraid of wholesome enthusiasm in their vocations and avoca- tions. They cultivate such interests as music, drama, sports, travel, literature, and through these they enrich the lives of others. Development of a personality to lift oneself above the average is the mark of intelligence as well as of character. (Sie wei ee linn: ENT ELGIGENCE Average intelligence is taken for granted. Superior intelligence is desir- able, but the candidate should also possess good personality and sound character. Imagination, judgment, and initiative are marks of the intelligent person. They are of great importance in obtaining and holding a position. 1 | |