ceptional students. Address the Secretary of Teachers College for information con- cerning these. The Bureau of Educational Service maintains an office for part-time em- ployment for students in residence whose funds are limited. Whether one can ob- tain part-time work depends on variable factors, including: the student’s program of studies, his practical abilities, and the basic factor of supply and demand. Most part-time positions are in fields other than teaching and tutoring, such as typ- ing, stenography, restaurant work, care of children. Bureau registrants are expected to keep their records up-to-date, to notify the Bureau immediately of degrees re- ceived, of significant additions to their preparation and experience, of changes in position and place of residence. Ordinarily the Bureau does not recom- mend for new positions registrants who have occupied present posts less than two or three years. In serving one employer the Bureau desires to avoid unfairness to another. 21