TSE —COWLEY. CLINICAL HOSPITAL The Conley Clinical Hospital of the Yansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery was established as a teaching hospital having a two-fold mission, service to worthy patients desirous of clinical benefits and better facilities for the training of our student doctors. While it is true that most of our clinical practise is collected from the residents of greater Kansas City, yet it is also true that these facilities need not be restricted to this partic~ LAAM? ular geographic center, There are deserving people throughout the states of Missouri and Kansas 9 a9. ee friends in the osteopathic profession contact and to whom our clinical services and facilities--at our recular clinical prices«=should be available. To the end that our friends may be made better acquainted with our sere vices and prices, we are publishing this bulletin, Our regular charge for examination and diagnosis in the general clinic is only $1.00, This includes necessary urinalysis and blood couts. The follow- ing tests are not included but are performed at the following additional rates: ND SIAM-AHTLO Kahn Reaction = for suspected syphilis $1.00 All Blood Chemistry 1.50 Fecal Analysis 250 Schilling Cowmt 050 Kidney Functional Test 1.00 Gastric Analysis 1.50 Basal Metabolism 2 «Q0 Guleuncs 1.00 X-RAY FERS Masteids $4.00 Nasal Sinuses : 4,00