. back. Mire Tus Ackerman, Eguitable cet. Achaenbe Cons 120 Soe LaSalle Ste, Chicago, Tllincise Dear Tus: Siser sine asin will sed ea Uh Mens Maat of: tig shota tnt come ty we just 88 Che eneny tie Of course, every basketball man at Kansas lnows the tradition of Tus Ackerman end his prowesse Tus, it was good to hear fran you, ——— | _ your wire geve me en added thrill, | t ree 68 te Gb hdl ais tek be a them when we played the Tigerse Do you renember thet sound = Het thet Rock Uhelk Jayhawi: up? fat that Rock Chalk Jayhawk upg Tat thet toek Chalk Jayhawk upi a ee = TigersZ lSszousd I ean hear it yet in thet, 1922 . — Se Well, we. aN tha Soceaes* Lots of luck to ae fellow, and thanks for your wiree s 1 ee _ Sincerely yours, = | Direotér of Paysioal Atusation, FUASAH hes Varsity Dackettell Cosahe