COLGATE UNIVERSITY VACANCY = Ray Parkins Andy MeDonald Cae i - rit : om . fs Hot gaze i | ul: Hy tas COLGATE UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC COUNCIL HUNTINGTON GYMNASIUM HAMILTON - NEW YORK March 6, 1939. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dea "Phog": Again accept my sincere thanks for the additional information concerning Parkins and McDonald wh ich you have sent to me. I know that when Mr. Reid comes to the selection of a basketball coach that these men will be given very careful consideration. With kind personal regards, I an, Sinc ere ly yours, Andrew Kerr Football Coach AK: Jd COACHING RECORD OF ANDREW MeDONALD AT SOUTHWEST MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE (Basketball) 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 _ 1985 1936 1937 1938 1939 4 _ (Have worked with football every years) 10 11 12. al AIHIWNHNANIYRPAhOWoAH ® SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI Conf. 2nd 2nd Sra MeIeAeAs championship MeIeAeAe championship ie Sod (End in hee eaiteiies. ok ee 4th two years = 1929 & 1936) 2nd wr recep a aq SOUTHWEST MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE P beer lac: A few “-ecleo et eee a Lf aechr c—- Kage cecBa-G hee Feat APA SOUTHWEST MISSOURI ——* TEACHERS COLLEGE SPRINGFIELD elias 0 a fad [fie Cue He 2g. a EKA Chea acl toads, G LEY ur — PO evcaX J 22g Care thee Loo cane f non Mo ae aes ay aah a7 Sen oa yo aa Pe pccatee opegee ff font hea f72o 67 SG — Jeo 77 > 8 ss See s/0 > 7 Lief, / FAB 4p - # LL bp he heli (ff “5M of.lh3) /G29 14 —6 — ; 7 Ve eee re ae CE a Picked JG 31 oe NL bpp : oe a Aese Gag Jose =f = 7 enon 7 7 % (733 Pe od JF a - 3 ey Bi (Lemale os - yo - ot ue OF (ee . 0 ies JF 36 x - a Fras. oe wee ew Zack La - J “7 Lvs geod ) Zu TZ fF 493 eek -— 6 oe Nebel - oe font poh gl fotlfall erty oLe7 OUTHWEST MISSOURI © STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE aa §PRINGFIELD Pan tony 9nd Kae we Gyfed for Vk CE ence fr 2a f te“ - ea ae tit acl Kawe 4G — We 4S Aah. Ate) (ft ¥ flecrealia. Zoubdiger ey ad an CK ZL teueg CG Rak 9 eo a ai A ae Ke Mande Ee A Kenta Goad qual Bll gon (yy Aue ball gen howd) wy foiG fo —* : ~ C Lad rs baal March 21, 1959. | 4 ili matter coaching proposition, , get in touch with the nen in whem he thinks he is is inter= estede I am very much impressed with the recommendation of Ray Parkings He must be a very fine tasketiell coachs i have had a recommendation concerning him from a source me . ‘Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs EDISON HIGH SCHOOL LOUIS G.. COOK, PRINCIPAL RUTH F. COLE, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL £6 AY med sk eo Re wt i tds My ys RPS , THE BOARD OF EDUCATION MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA . Py ® 4, — ‘ 3 Ace Pal OE March 3, 1959. Mire Andrew Kerr, Football Coach, Colgate University, Hamilton, lew Yorks Dear Andys 3 Thanks for your kind letter of the 23rd ultimo. femilies, Parkins being a meuber of the Christian Church and Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Conche COLGATE UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC COUNCIL HUNTINGTON GYMNASIUM HAMILTON - NEW YORK February 23, 1939. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Dear "Phog": I can assure you that it was a real pleasure to receive your fine letter. I appreciate very much the recommendations you sent to me. You have given me Just the type of information that I desire. Our Director of Athletics, William A. Reid, is at present in Florida. When he returns he will take up the matter of our basketball coaching proposition, and will get in touch with the men in whom he thinks he is interested. I am very much impressed with the recommendation of Ray Parkins. He must be a very fine basketball coach. I have had a recommendation concerning him from a source in Minneapolis which I consider quite reliable. I believe I have met the boy because I think he was in one of my coaching schools in St. Paul in 1932. We are also interested in Andrew McDonald. If you can furnish me any further information concerning McDonald I shall be gled to have it. Confidentially will you please furnish me his religious affiliations} With kind personal regards and with many thanks for your good letter, I an, Sincerely yours, :: Andrew Kerr Football Coach AK: Jd : é 1 AL ! A 3 ? Hi, # “a J. : ah Ie A Satoh ~ ptrihediack 4 Nebruary 20, 19306 a2 head heretoe _ Pores ; last April I attended the sectional division of the National tlealth and Thysical Education Association at Mimmeapolise He made a fine record at Duluth and then moved on to Tinneapolis where ho gradunted fron the University of 'innesotne lle hes been at 'Gmeapolis I think about ten or eleven years, and he has Dall coaching way. ‘You lmow 5111 is now at Marquette and going great gunae Sut lienze took the Iam State team and built it up util io State is om of the feared in the conference at presente In 1935 Town Stabe won the Big ghempionshipe iI only mention this because : Peykins is the same type bey eas Menge ise le is as clean as @ a houni's tooth, has a wonderful persormlity, and would fit into any= : body's orgenigation in wonderful shapee A couple of years ago, just before Dave Melallen won his first Pig Ten basketball championship, Now, harking back to Parkins’ football ability, might I make this one recitation of a situation thet happened dow et Nort Sill during the Vorld Ware Paridns wae with the SSth Mivision, end the 36th { : Cleanest and finest boys on the equad, and a perfect trainers ‘le had brains, ingemiity and a will to wine I used Menzo, this boy who is now at Iowa State, as my left quurterback and Parkins my right qmrter= back. lenge pitched on the baseball team and was forward on my ‘ball teame ‘oth boys, Parisins and Menze, were the same type athletes se and they are the sane type coaches. : I%ll bet you a dolier if you will check with the Smee polis people you will find thet Derkins is topse There are « lot of people in 'inneapolis that you can get the dope fran and I would not be afraid for you to ask anyone in that town, because I will recommend him without reservation or evasion whatsoever. Ne is : about 45 years of age and would make you a great porsone Ne is the kind of a fellow thet Andy Kerr would say was just about the right Iind of a fellow to coach college mene He has won the state chempionship with his Edison High School team about three or four times in the past six yearse ua a i ia i ts i deal ihe at if ithe mE ap if ste it i not have leadcre coaching ami that is, first, gmtility, ship, ability to inspire boys, » el he is one of the finest and to impart his knowledge to his teame ay ih . ail Hi | gf : ili Hh qi 5 Nig a Parlin and NeDeneld are uy two top choices and I want you to investigate both of therts in addition, liclemald played on ny ever-vicetorious 1925 championship basketball team, as well as my 1922 ages Andy, I an met recommending any boy that does the prime requisites cf ; pable young men thet I lmow out in the conching gme at the present times MeDomld is clean, couregeous eri ca fad a 3 | Hh BY | COLGATE UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC COUNCIL HUNTINGTON GYMNASIUM HAMILTON - NEW YORK February 15, 1939. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": Because of il] health our basketball coach, John Galloway has been ‘obliged to resign his position. In addition to his duties as basket- ball coach Mr. Galloway was also a member of our football staff. In the selection of a basketball coach we desire aman with an es- tablished basketball reputation. The candidate chosen must have shown outstanding ability in the basketball field. Our principal interest in this appointment is coaching basketball. The football duties can be adjusted in accord with the football experience of the candidate. We will appreciate any recommendation that you may feel free to give us for this position. The man recommended may be one of your own former players or some other exceptionally good coach that you will recommend. This position can be maje a very attractive one and the Colgate Director of Athletics, Mr. William 4, Reid, as well as _ the Colgate Athletic Council are eager to select the best man available. Any help that you can give us in this matter will be greatly appre- ciated. Because we do not desire to have a great flood of applicants for the position we prefer that you consider this letter confidential. With kind personal regards, I an, Sincerely yours, Andrew Kerr Football Coach AK: J Yarch 27, 19396 J. A. CARPENTER.ACTING PRESIDENT COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT W. MUSGRAVE WOOD, CHAIRMAN G. E. AIKEN B. H. HENTHORNE W. E. CAMPBELI. EARL HOVEY EARL W. DEPUTY J. G. LEWIS Cc. L, ECKERT Cc. E, LOMBARDI R. H. ELLIOTT L. E. OLSON A. C. HAGNY u. T. PRIME T. R. HARBER I. §. SIEGRIST G. W. HARDING ANSEL STUBBS H. K. HENDRICKS LYLE F. TRUMP A. W. TYTLER, TREASURER A. B. COLTON, SECRETARY Kansas City, Missouri Young Men's Christian Association CENTRAL DEPARTMENT 404 EAST TENTH STREET VICTOR 8920 March 24, 1939 Mr. Jim Raport Physical Education Dept. Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Jim: Cc. G. LORD, GENERAL SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OFFICERS W. MUSGRAVE WOOD................ CHAIRMAN T. RB. HARBER_ VICE-CHAIRMAN C.. WRERE. 2 TREASURER i RUMP REC. SECRETARY Vv. PB. WEEZ.......2 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY From the correspondence that we have had with the wrestling coaches and representatives in the Missouri Valley Area it looks like we will have a good size ss sitet Missouri Valley “’restling Tournament here in Kansas City this Saturday, April l. As you know, the entries close Friday, Wichita has indicated that they will have at 6 Pik. larch 31, a team here as also has Salina, Kansas, Kansas State College, the Y.M.H.A. of Kansas City, Missouri and the Kansas City, Kansas YMCA. Entries have been received from Warrensburg Téachers and other schools in this area. We are hoping that you too will be with us here for our Wrestling Tournament this Saturday. JFC :hw Yours sincerely, i) Joe F. ce Director Physical Education | Peabody, Kansas e Gear Glenn: | of you to etter me & oe wastnee ¥4 3 E ui 1 Hy hia He ye! rit i E53 read el ti uel f “ies ay et a ait | tO MGs : t : you every tend : Glenn, With contimed best wishes to you and yours, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eaueation, Varsity Basketball Coachs April 13, 1939. Central Seientifie Coe, 1700 Irving Park Blvde, Dear Sirss We are sending by express an Impulse Counter which was purchased from you last November. The coumter frequently stops at 29 and for that reason we are re=- turning it to you asking that it be properly repaired end returned to us as early as possible since we are in need of it for an experiment which we are conductinge Sincerely yours, Ee Re Elbel, Asste Professor, _ ° Physical Education. High School Basketball Coach, Keosauqua, love Dear Coach Crocker: T an very happy to have your favor of the 2ist instante : I would recomend that the 15/é" mple (we call it 2" maple} be used in the longer lengths, if possibles ‘The 4 ft. lengths are cheapsr an account of the short lengths, but it dees not mike as good « floor. — Te | Yes, I would recomend that this new floor be iaid the old fear beonuge 1 will give mre spring end ree : to the floore.. ee ee eee ‘ the harder the floor will be on the legs of the will develop shin splints and stiff muscles in the legs. Another thing, the closer the floor gets to eoncrete the more warped witt be the Sieur’ on govoust of the dasgnese of thy conmrwtns As for the finish, you can got SealeOadan, put out by the ; ita ee ss Shiai tas imp bint quectbliene Shite % aah ected be = pleasure for me to do sce | May I state tint “Bebter Basketball" 1s my newer book,