October 50, 1937. Up e Bernard Je Archer s 23 South 6th Street, Zanesville, Ohio, Dear Coach Archer: ZI om very heppy to have r letter of the 28th instant. I am glad to de what I can to help you in your difficulty, : Answering peer questions in order, I do have my boys work on set plays to the split second in timing, passing and cutting. I set these plays up, have one men feint in one direction to use up this split second timing, and then just at the psychological as well as the actual favorable moment I have the fellow drive to arrive et the exact location at the proper time. One man moves rapidly while another man covers his conswning time by feinting or dodging. This ts absolutely necessary so thet the play may be successful, ; You work on timing plays just as an ertist would on e canvas. There must be not only strict attention to duty but there mist be inspiration, fore- sight, ani a sixth sense involvafigboth in the make-up of the teacher and the players. It is not an easy matter to teach this timing and scoring. | i have just written a new book, of which I am sending to you a short deseription. I woula suggest that you write to Mr. Curtis W. McGraw, of the McGraw-Hill Seok Company, 330 Yest 42nd Street, New York, inquiring as to the oxact time the book will be published. It should be out in less than & month, ; This book tells all about the timing, eutting and seco ~~ these plays, some of which appear in The Scholastie | oach. oe A man must be at 4 certain place and at a certain time, and he must not pull out or indicate by movement of the eye or foot just where he is going. i know that you will get more > alga oy money's worth from this book, if you purchase it. If this explanation of mine does not clear up the thing for you, write me again. :