President CHESTER WOODWARD, p’96 Topeka Directors HELEN RHODA HOOPES,’13, 9/14 Lawrence ROLAND BOYNTON,’14, 1/16 Topeka CLEM LAMBORN,,‘07 Park Lane Hotel, K.C., Mo. GEORGE MARCH,’08, e’09 Lawrence MARIA SLADE MAY,’16 Atchison Vice-President ROBERT T. PRICE, I’27 Osage City General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine FRED ELLSWORTH,’22 Lawrence Directors T. J. STRICKLER, e’06 Scarritt Bldg.,K.C., Mo. MYRA LITTLE REITZ,’32 1404 E. 77th, KC] Mo. JUSTICE WALTER G.THIELE, I’'10- Topeka The University of Kansas Alumni Association HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING BRUCE HURD, I’14 Topeka JOHN E. BOYER,’28, 1’30 Lawrence - Kansas W.K.H. Bldg., Wichita November 1, 1937 Dre Pe Ce Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Phogs A letter from Eldon Ardrey at Arizona State Teachers College, Flagstaff, Arizona, has the following paragraph: "If you see 'Phog' Allen, please tell him that my brother Robert is much worse and that it is only a matter of time. His trouble is known as Hodgkin's disease, or progressive anaemia and enlargement of the lymphatic glandse He would appreciate any letters etc. from his Track Squad I'm suree ADDRESS: R. R. #1, Zenith, Kansas." Maybe this letter should be referred to Bill Hargiss, but I thought there might be some personal friendship that would draw you into ite I understand from what others have said that this boy is simply slowly wasting away, and of course would appreciate letters from his friends. Very truly yours, Truk FE/1m Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50.