PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS GULF REFINING COMPANY P.O. BOX 106 - ILLINOIS BUILDING masini alana INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA January 23, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The present Big-Six basketball situation seems rather confusing to me, possibly due to the fact that all I ever get in the local papers is the result of each game. From the results I have Kansas now has a percentage of 500 with every school in the conference having lost at least one game. As I recall it has been some four or five years since the championship was won with a loss of three games. If it is at all possible I wonder if you could send me a resume of the situation. With the wealth of material that you should have on hand this year I would like to wager that you are at present faced with two main problems. A number of the boys are probably bothered with the idea that they are in- dividual stars thus making the idea of coaching team play pretty tough. The other big problem is probably the fact that the boys have the idea that they are good enough to play good ball without training. You might tell them for me that this little thought of theirs, if it is present, is all wrong. It just won't work and I have seen a lot of people try it. If you can conveniently find time 1 would appreciate it if you can let me know just how far I missed the entire set-up from the point of view of a distant observor. Please convey my best regards to your family, the boys on the team I know (George, Swede, etc.) and tell Bobby to stay in there and pitch. He will make a great team quarterback. With best of luck for the remainder of the season I remain, Yours very truly, Str Oawboo