November 17, 1937. Mir. Eldon Arizona State Teauhes'e Coles, Flagstaff, Arizona.s Dear Eldons Drak Sikeeidth weiee mi Gs Eovieies Mull cabins a paragraph of your letter regarding your brother, Roberte When I read this paragraph and noted that Bob had Nodgkins disease, I knew of course that ait would not be longe \ Words of mine or anyone are entirely inadequate to you at this timee Only those who have traveled the Golgotha Road ean really kmow and feel the reaction that is in an individual's mind who has lost a brother. I assure you that I have had that experience. Five years ago my brother, who was an inspector for the Department of Commerce, was flying his ship on his way home . to the airport at Haddenfield, New Jersey. ‘Something went wrong - mobody lmows what. But he bailed out above the Military Academy at West Point when his ship went into a tailapin. The parachute failed to open in time and of course he was crushed to deaths - It happened thet. he was flying home to his wife and young son for his birthday dimere Those things are tragedies eee Whether we vend “the teldee of Hin lube Dee” or whether we have a philosophy equal to the occasion to buoy us up at eértain times, it seems that there is still something that is RS he SER Ser FeReee tals wink © Chbe bey wil X heer bn welt bene X would take the trips with the track teem when they would 59 oither to the conferense or the duil moste. 3 May I say to you that I do umderstand, end cee come to youe