ie Re Be Cammven, 2532 Vashingtoen Road, Kenosha, Vissconusine Deer itte Cana vans : Mire Guitm Honey, Director of sthletios at the University of Zansas, has handed me your letter of the i7th instant regarding the young boy in your comamity et SP ES FA SATE NOTES Cheene . Sib eth Seung eens beanies tax inte won for his sports museum, end i wish you would send me his memes I would like to write a letter to hime We are also send him sone autographed photographs - Tre Naismith, the inventor of the gums of and Glenn Cumtinglem, and if we had the lad‘'s name it would miiss these things much more persaaal. You are doing a wonderful thing for this boy, and you my be sure that we are glad to cooperate in any way — Very sincerely yours, cate Man Gee