Complete Line of Stationery and Office Supplies Office Furniture Mechanical Equipment and Repair Department Mimeographs Typewriters Adding Machines Check Writers Check Protectors Stapling Machines Large and Small Etc., Ete., Ete. Kodaks and Developing Gifts and Prizes Leather Goods Brief Cases Toilet Cases Playing Cards Poker Chips Score Pads Fountain Pens and Repairs Special Indexing and Filing Systems Shaw-Walker Filing Cases And Transfer Cases and Folders Exclusive Lines Eaton’s Berkshire Typewriter Papers Webster’s Carbon Papers Sight Light Lamps Liberty Storage Files And Many Other Standard and Novelty Lines F. S. CRANE, PRESIDENT A RANE: anp Pai oA 1 a tt ©.L.MITCHELL, SECRETARY fieta-liiaLea a FRINTING - [ITHOGRAPHING - FMBOSSING BANK STATIONERY - OFFICE,FURNITURE ToPpEeKA, KANSAS Oct. 13, 1938 University of Kansas, Dept. of Physical Education, Lawrence, Kansas. Gentlemen : Thank you very kindly for your purchase order Noe 719 calling for the Plunger Lock for the Noe CS3071 Shaw-Walker File. We did not have this in stock but are ordering it shipped to you direct from the manufacturer and it will go forward in the next few days. We trust this slight delay will not inconvenience you to any great extent and hope to hear from you whenever we can be of further service. Yours very truly, CRANE & COMPANY By Rake JJR:ERL Complete Line of Stationery and Office Supplies Office Furniture Mechanical Equipment and Repair Department Mimeographs Typewriters Adding Machines Check Writers Check Protectors Stapling Machines Large and Small Etc, Etc. Etc. Kodaks and Developing Gifts and Prizes Leather Goods Brief Cases Toilet Cases — Cards oker Chips Score Pads Fountain Pens and Repairs Special Indexing and Filing Systems Shaw-Walker Filing Cases And Transfer Cases and Folders Exclusive Lines Eaton's Berkshire Typewriter Papers Webster’s Carbon Papers Sight Light Lamps Liberty Storage Files And Many Other Standard and Novelty Lines F. S. CRANE, PRESIDENT ‘C.L.MITCHELL, Secretary PRINTING» aeeninnnaall FMBOSSING BANK STATIONERY - OFFICE, FURNITURE ToPEeKA, KANSAS Nov. A 1938 University of Kansas, Department of Physical Education, Lawrence, Kansas. Gentlemen: Thank you very kindly for your order Noe .1052 calling for the No. 3070 Olive Green Shaw-Walker File complete with lock. We are ordering this shipped to you direct from the manufacturer and it will go forward in the next few dayse We trust this slight delay will not inconvenience you to any great extent and hope to hear from you -whenever we can be of further service. Yours very truly, CRANE & COMPANY By Rake JJR:ERL UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Haskell Institute Lawrence, Kansas Oct. 10,1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach UNiversity of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach; I should like very much to work your Warrensburg game on December 3, 1958 and your Carleton game January 2, 1939, I shall count on both of these games and will keep my schedule open so that I may work in these gamese I have just finished writing to Dee Errickson asking to work in your game on February 10,1939,1 trust that he shall let me work in this game. I wish to thank you for your information regarding the anatomical charts it was a big help to us. Expecting to see you Friday, I am Sincerely yours, F « Carmody Coach of Athleti he October 24, 1958s The Fidelity end Camalty Company of Now Yor, Pe Os Box 344, Church Street Amex, New York City, NY. Dear Sirss I have your inquiry regarding Mr. Clifford Clyde Coffimny whieh was referred to me by the Registrar's Office of the tniversity of Kansese I have imown Clyde Coffmea for a mumber of years. He is . ee ey Siege young man, and I om Very HAP So SERRE Die Sit PEE OF SNE } Very sincefiely yours, ee UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HEALTH SERVICE LAWRENCE, Kansas Octe 15, 1938 Dre Fe Ce Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dre Allen; In regard to the x-ray of the dead tooth of Robert Allen, Dr. Tice suggested that the tooth should be observed at frequent intervals, because there was & suspicion of apical involvement. I believe that it might be wise to let this go until he is through basket ball because the end result will have to be a bridge, and it would be unwise to put in a bridge now with the possibility of breaking it during active participation. In checking over some intramural records I notice that Carl Johnson was on the list for one of the intramural touch football teams. A year ago at the time we examined him for basketball, You may recall that_I reported that he had a retinitis of one eyee We had no record nor did Dre Powell have a record, of his having had any treatment. I believe that this i8 something that should receive attention within the near futuree I do not believe that anyone should participate with such a serious injury. Yours truly; Pe rea Ra Canuteson, M. De RICss November 16, 1933. Novenbor 12, 1958 ofo Vs. de Willer, - University of Oklshom, Dear Glenns | | | I en enclosing copy of a letter tint 1 have witten to lire Ce Oe Burnside regarding his invitation to have you in didlae hom City on Novenber 17the _ | I lmow that he will use much discretion in Oklahoma Citye lle has been president of the ke J. alumi group in Okleham fora mumber of | a of , : we neod then dow Oldiahoma City waye I don't Vory sincerely yours, | DMrector of Physical Bducati. FCAsAlt Varsity Gasketball Coachs o Complete Line of Stationery and Office Supplies Office Furniture Mechanical Equipment and Repair Department Mimeographs Typewriters Adding Machines Check Writers Check Protectors Stapling Machines Large and Small Etc., Etce., Ete: Kodaks and Developing Gifts and Prizes Leather Goods Brief Cases Toilet Cases Playing Cards Poker Chips Score Pads Fountain Pens and Repairs Special Indexing and Filing Systems Shaw-Walker Filing Cases And Transfer Cases and Folders Exclusive Lines Eaton’s Berkshire _Typewriter Papers Webster's Carbon Papers Sight Light Lamps Liberty Storage Files And Many Other Standard and Novelty Lines F. S. CRANE, PRESIDENT C.L.MITCHELL, Secretary Taras: [tHocRAPHING Penenns BANK STATIONERY - OFFICE, FURNITURE TOPEKA, KANSAS Nove 29,1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allén, University of Kansas, Department of Physical Eduestion, Room 105 Robinson Gymnasium, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: We are in receipt of your Purchase Order Noe 1417 calling for the No. 1471-D Olive Green Shaw-Walker Cupboard with the 30 No. 20-PS Olive Green Plain Shelves. We are ordering this shipped to you direct from the manufacturer by prepaid transporétion and it will go forward in the next few days. We trust the shipping date will be entirely satisfactory and hope to hear from you whenever we can be of further service. Yours very truly, CRANE & COMPANY By J ke JJR:ERL CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 r SYMBOLS Be is a goths DL=Day Letter elegram or Cable : so eee its de- -( . 6) NL=Night Letter erred character is in- ea dicated by a suitable LC=Deferred Cable symbol above or pre- NLT=Cable Night Letter ding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER: > Ship Radiogram i PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-! PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination re at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 Ic 3, 2 NOV > 3} AN 9 7 KAB2 8 XC=JO KANSASCITY MO 28 904A DR F C ALLEN= UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS WHAT 1S TIME OF RULES MEETING SATURDAY REGARDS= PARKE CARROLL. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE November 26, 1958+ | Mree Allen and I foumd it impbasible to attend but we did take care of our obligations the best we ee ee a ee ee Oe ee eee maTe Again thenling you for your thoughtfulness, I ie SES See Ere, Cordially yours, Director of Physical rducation, . FOAsSAH Varsity Basketball Coache 3 CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE WARRENSBURG MO. November 23, 1938 Dr. Forrest Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: i am sorry to inform you that Dr. E, L. Hendricks passed away last night. Funeral services” will be held in Hendricks Hall Friday afternoon at two-thirty d'cloeck. Sincerely.yours, eorge W. Diemer President GWD DA UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Haskell Institute Lawrence, Kansas October 6, 1936 Dr. Forest G. Allen University of Kansas Head of Physical dducation Dept. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen; We are planning on you refereeing our iiidland foot- pall game October 21. ‘The groes fee twenty dollars ($20.00). he game is to be played in the Haskell Stadium at 7:30 Pili. Sincerely yours, John F. Carmody Director of Athletics UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Haskell institute Lawrence, Kansas October 6, 1938 Dr. Forest C. Allen University of Kansas Head of Physical Education Dept. Lawrencs, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen; We are planning on you to be head linesman in our Kemper football game October 14. the gross fee twenty dollars ($20.00). The game is to be played in the Haskell Stadium at.7:50 Sincerely yours, o #0 sma, THE KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE OF EMPORIA FOUNDED 1863 AS THE KANSAS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL THOMAS W. BUTCHER, PRESIDENT EMPORIA R. G. CREMER, BURSAR October 3, 1938 Mre Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mr. Allen: Thank you very much for your letter giving information as to the set-up of the University of Kansas Physical Education Corporation. I shall be very glad to reciprocate the favor at any future time. Very truly yours, ee Bie cit Re Ge Cremer, Bursare RGC LS August Sly 1958— nh Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Educati Varsity Baskettell Conch, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE Haskell Institute Lawrence, Kansas August 17, 1938 De. BF. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: — Will it be satisfactory to you to work as head linesman in our Kemper game on the night of October 14, 1938, with a fee of $207 I should also like to have you work as referee in our Midland game the night of October 21, fee $20. Trust- ing that you will be able to work in these games, I am Sincerely yours, ee = Fe Nag < past Director of Athletics September 16, 1938. Dita: diel Seeing Dopartnent of Mhysieal Pducation, College, ge celag l Dear Mr. Deans Thank you for your very kind letter of the 13th Our basketball schedule calls for us to be in Texas on December 19 and 20. We are playing at Dallas on these two datese I am very sorry that our sehedule does not fit inte yours. | With Kindest regards, and best wishes for a auscessful tasketball season, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Uducation, L Coache CORNELL {%%4 COLLEGE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION September 13, 1938. Dr. Forest C,. Allen, Basketball Coach, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: We have an opportunity to play a couple of basketball . games with Colorado College at Colorado Springs on Dec. 22 and 25. In order to make the trip, we will need another game or two on the way. Could you use us there on Dec. 19 or 20? We are members of the Midwest Conference and observe the year ltrosh residence rule. Our team this year will be young but rangy and should be a good practice opponent for you. I will be glad to hear from you as soon as possible. Best wishes for another successful year. Cordially yours, aa, | ‘ie Bb ge db ss “as ibe be hE] Mi : Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache Complete Line of Stationery and Office Supplies Office Furniture Mechanical Equipment and Repair Department Mimeographs Typewriters Adding Machines Check Writers Check Protectors Stapling Machines Large and Small Etc., Ete., Etc. Kodaks and Developing Gifts and Prizes Leather Goods Brief Cases Toilet Cases Playing Cards Poker Chips Score Pads Fountain Pens and Repairs Special Indexing and Filing Systems Shaw-Walker Filing Cases And Transfer Cases and Folders Exclusive Lines Eaton’s Berkshire Typewriter Papers Webster’s Carbon Papers Sight Light Lamps Liberty Storage Files And Many Other Standard and Novelty Lines FRINTING - ITHOGRAPHING - FMBOSSING BANK STATIONERY - OFFICE, FURNITURE TOPEKA, KANSAS Sept. 27, 1938 University of Kansas, Department of Physical Education, Lawrence, Kansas. Attention: Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director. Dear Mr. Allen: We are sorry to note from your letter of September 23 that the steel clips to be used with the shelf you recently ordered were not received with the shelf. We have taken this up with the manvfacturer and requested that they mail these to you direct immediately. They will go forward in the next day or so and we trust basis delay has not inconvenienced you to any great ex- ent. We hope to hear from you whenever we can be of further service. Yours very truly, CRANE & COMPANY By BEA Rake JJR:ERL 9, 1938. keep you as handsome as Heurice, I just wnt to Now you see, you are in your youthful dayse ¥; - ery sincerely yours, Director of Weeulty tubeiinla Comme” September 15, 1958. Here is the way our account stands now: My personal check to you, 7/ Se we see oo @ $10.00 - . 2s Pe 9/7 se #@ eo @ @ 6.64 Total amount I have advanced to yous ee es Your State check, which I am authorized to endorse and cash escseeseeveese 9019 ‘elie hes 08 cg ho oe a ek hans $7054 I trust this agrees with your records, and that you will find it possible to send me your check or money order for $754 within a short times With all good wishes, I en Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coaches September 19, 1938. Sry Ginete, Sibeene, Quincy, Kensase Dear Gordon: order so promptly. Thank you very much. The extra anount you ineluded will buy same sodas for the Allense — | I trust everything is going well with you and that you are enjoying yourself. With best wishes, I an Director of Physical Pduoati on, Varsity Basketball Coaches February 18, 1959. fgh » i i ili g fagt, ta. wi, Beg peeng i ; shi ss pag} Be gla and i ae i got af Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coachs Quincy,Kansas Feb.16,1939 Dre Forrest Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence,Kansase Dear Doc: I'm enclosing three(3) dollars for three tickets to the Oe Ue Ke Ue game on the 25th. of this monthe Would you be so kind as to see that Mr. Falkenstein forwards them to me. I tried to get down to Lawrence to see that Ne. Ue game but could'nt make the proper train connections. Congradulations on the victory and best of luck on the Iowa State encounter and the big Oklahoma game. We ‘alumni out in this region are looking forward to another Ke Ue Big Six victory and we know that "Doc" will surely pull some thing out of the bag that will pull us win that championship. Thanking you again for your kindness and looking forward to seeing you the 25th. I remain Sincerely yours, _ fetde Kt haw