red Harvey THE INDIAN-DETOUR AND GRAND CANYON LINE Dr Allen, Lawrence The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System Chlumbia Mo & From To returne ITINERARY OF YOUR TRIP Day and Date Station Road Time Train No. Remarks Lv. Lawrence Santa We _| 9.28pu| 6 | Tue Jany 18 Ar. Kansas City nee 16.25Pu | 6 Jian we ag Lv. Kansas City Wabash _|11.55Py |__18 oe ee. 8 Ar. Moberly ne = 3,10AM.| 18 | Wed "* #79 oth al ec Lv. Moberly : Bus. Ar. Columbia | as Lv. Columbia ae After the game,about one hour xm ride, Ar. Moberly | nt i Sleeper open at Lv. Moberly Wabage 1 23645AM ui 3742 |The 9" 20° 110 Py. Ar. Kansas City “9 7 AOA 172 2) OR O28. Lv.Kansas City Santa Fe 8. AM 5 per 20. Ar. Lawrence egal 8.52AM 5 Re ee 20, Lv. Ar.Round trip rail |ticket to Moberly, per c: $7.45, Lv.Lower berth Kansas City to Maberly one way, 2.00. Ar.Upper berth wn fo | an 1.60. Lv.Bus round trip Moberly to Columbia for party of 15, 14.40. Ar. | | 0214-38, All principal SANTA FE trains are now AIR-CONDITIONED Remarks: Grand Canyon National Park and the Indian-detours, on the Santa Fe to or from California and Southern Arizona, offer matchless stopovers of any length and at any season. The Santa Fe is the only railroad entering Grand Canyon National Park. Pullmans direct to the Rim. the Spanish-Indian country about Old Santa Fé, New Mexico. indian-detours explore by motor the cliff dwellings, Indian pueblos and quaint native villages of