= ee aA, Dr. Forrest C.Allen University of Kansas Dept. of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas a epoRek sone jaid = oO ft oS 2a Dear Sir: 1G. “~ 15 re : “a 2% : = t The N Oo 147 i=D =. iY v , CiipSoard 4 #20-PS Shelves back ordered on your recent order went forward to you under date of Nae. < Unless we hear from you we will take it for gr ment came through in an entirely ~ SECRETARY AND SALES MANAGER January 12, 19396 745 Missouri Lawrence, ‘ansage Dear Patty and Mickey: — tt was nice of you to write mea letters te are glad that you have used some of the show tiokete. | ity favorite pletures are Ferdinand the Bull, IGicley Mouse and Donald Duce I don*t Inow which are your favorites, tut I lite thon all, and I an glad that you enjoyed the tickets. : te I dont imow whether Patty or iitekey wrote this nice letter to me, but it ie mighty well written for a little youngstere Patty end Mickey Conger, Street, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE on a : Vuar Lr. WALZ hee lice. Aad alge ANG _ x Ip t een ay died ff ay dy. Jeary 19, 1939. PeSe I am returning the ticket which you kindly enclosed with your invitatione Peis Kansas University Dear Coach; You are cordially invited to attend the dance being spon- sored in honor of the 1938 Footballers, by the K U Relay Club. The dance is to take place in the Hotel Eldridge this coming Saturday- January 21,'39. The affair will be a semi-formal one and the entrance at nine o'clock that evening. Please add to the success of this dance by attending with Mrs. Allen. Sincerely yours, Committee* l January 21, 1939¢, i ta ink ta ie Gwinn Henxy, war plane yours, irector of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. = Up to date I have failed to of your carbon copy addressed to Mire Gwim of athletics at the University, ee ee on er poe FRANK RUSHTON, PRES Fe ' 3 O. Q. CLAFLIN, JR. W. R. HONNELL, VICE-PRES. GEORGE A. WIDDER, SEc’y ROBERT E. CROWLEY J. E. CARLSON GEORGE W. MEARS Koarcd of Education PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING OFFICE OF SECRETARY KANSAS CITY, KAN SAS December 22, 1958. Mr. Gwinn Henry, Athletic Director and — Head Feotball Coach, Kansas University, | Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Gwinn: Mey I congratulate you on the very sensible football schedule for the ceming year. I was one who thought that getting a big team early in the seascn would be very valuable experience for our beys but since the last Notre Dame game I feel sure that the sacrifice far outweighs any possible gain. I think we should keep in our class. We have plenty of nearby universities that would command a worthwhile atten- dance for after all at the end of the season it seems the public lecks at the games won and lest regardless of whe the competitors might be. | 3 I have been trying to get a young man by the name of © Jimmy Yerk, a graduate of Wyandotte High School, to come to K.U. but to date his financial conditicn would not permit it. He is a tackle, weighs 210 peunds and is 6'1". He has been playing with some former K. U. boys in the strictly amateur league. I now believe that he is a very fine prospect. His I.Qe is 105. He probably would do well in the schocl of edu- caticn. ‘If you will let me mow a few days in advance of your next trip to Kansas City, I will try to arrange to have him ceme te the effice and you might have a talk with him. Gov. Payne Ratner is a very enthusiastic basket ball fan. When he and I were in the Senate a number of years ago we attended all the basket ball games. I think it would be wise to make an extra effort to see that he has a special invitaticn to the basket ball games. Later in the season we may arrange an appcintment with him to see hew many boys we can get in the highway department during the summer. I am sure that he will cceperate. I knew that under your fine management and your valued experience in handling beys, we can lock forward to many fine years in athletics at the University. May you have a Very Happy Christmas and a Fine New Year, As always, Very ly yours, JEC/s Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach, Deceniber 19, 1938, One of our boys in a badminton class is a fomer runner-up of the California Stete Championship, and without a doubt I believe he would beat Kea Shedd who recently gave @ vadeinton exhibition at the luehlebach. I would not want eS es ee ee ee ee ee | sents is definitely one of the best badminton pleyers in the Tnited States, and At might be interesting for your — ee instructor in Physical Educatione Desenber 13, 1938. Mrs. Barbee Overfield, 1145 Louisiana Ste, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mrs. Overfield: oo es I want you to Imow what a pleasure it was to have the shakhl sth soon Meike pomsing ts Gilk seer ethene vaaebtand ‘Bick and his welfare. I am taking up the matter with It. Gwimm Henwy, ee ee ee ee ene Se Oe one hundred per cent cooperatione I have just leamed from the Athletic Offies that they have paid Dick an average of aporoximttely $25.00 a month fron September 9 to November 28. i am emlosing the article which I wrote for the Rotarian magazine, which I mentioned to you this mornings Some time when Dick is coming by the office he might return this article and the one from Collier's when you have finished with thems Assuring you of my interest and heart: cooperation, I Very sincerely yours, | : Diveate® of Fieratea? Education, FCAsAH — : Varsity Basketball Coach. Novenber 4, 1958¢ a's one of our physical education mJjors,. and oe I en very fond of hime ef ae | . Dear Mr. Cates: ¢ gens 8 i. eB es a ty aa iis Cot Ian ah agtdta n5ed ph HL eye digelit, allel: veitsy diets th gthagld 3 i ged? ae sree as ny Heshis savneg Uageakgs ray Fpl é3 4 ital] 13g ‘ 83 qoutes at sho gp 5] au i Hl jlitee asia ye nin a! ie meat fell ite i aie 3 ig ia? eye ills ’ g nity ac 4 de if af ivi’ 2 | gst u eB Ae rH i nb y fi mt Hh EE suet fe i oe aT o He vests fils i sia i av bh ty i et ili if te it ali a p aie al 4 ie : Hea “agit at i tal ua a aie Pit ude Hag: iit ; fy aa i ge aati h ie ia go8he tise ai ‘al it othe Ag! yt UL a Hd fa ‘fu til i ; ail el 8 + HP me aa 6455 ha = and a ange ey that it is costing : 3 4 3 H gies eine hin , : ie ql boy camot 3 gets ai =