546 JOHN M. HALL, Pres. C. W. LOYD, Clerk H. A. HINZ, Treas. POWHATTAN RURAL HIGH SCHOOL JOHNNIE CORRIGAN, Principal POWHATTAN, KANSAS Dec. 11, 1937 Dr. F. C. Allen Athletic Dept. University of Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: When you get time I wish you would send me your new book. Also If it is not too much trouble I wish you would write in the front of it like you did my old one. Enclosed find check to be filled in for postage and tax. I could get the book from Lowe and Campbell but I could not get the autograph. If you happen to have one around the office which is soiled a little it will be all right to send it. Thanking you very much for your trouble and also extending my Sincere wishes for your customary season of success in basket-ball. Yours very sincerely,