° MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST AIDS AND TRAINERS’ SUPPLIES FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, FIRST AID KITS AND WALL CABINETS °* C/ Cee hw Fr A Cor week Ee RS AND Ex POOR TE RS e RAMER CHemicaL Company USE CRAMER'S FIRST AIDS ee Kansas December 22, 7:3 2 4% Mr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Dept. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “"Phog": I received your new book direct from the publisher yesterday and certainly want to thank you very much. We made mention of it in the January issue of the "FIRST AIDER," but the printer had started running before we could get your picture, so we pulled a small piece on page 12 and made mention of it, as we thought it would do you more good now than to wait for another issue. We expect, in a future issue, to use the electro of your picture and another more complete write-up about the book, as we think it is the best thing on the market. Again thanking you, I am “a tyhuly oe