January 6, 1938 Dear Ruth: I have your letter of January 5th pgarding © 2 the table tennis contest February 2nd, which is the s bigsest game of the year and I am glad you picked that Gate because your party will ali enjoy the Nebraska- Kansas game and it will be the largest cowd which Will wetch a basketball game this year here. I teixed to br. Allen this morning on the phone. He wants you to advise us as quickiy as possible the entire personnel of players and their titles in Kansas City and I have explained to him that you were arranging a singles metch between the two lady piayers and also a mixed Goubles match. Twelve minutes is the entire time évailable. Mr. Allen wants to send your party tickets anc as the reservations of the geme are difficult to get it is important that you notify Dr. Forrest C. Allen > by eariy mail the number of persons you want tickets for and also the names of all the players as above Suggested. This is necessary because of the import ef publicity in advance, re oe These games start promptly at 7830. If you will kindly deal direct with Dr. Allen, in care of the Athletic Department, Kansas University, we will avoid any mis- understandings and the arrangements will be completed direct with the parties involved. I appreciate ail the nice things in the personal part of your ietter and assure you we will be very happy to see this exhibition here and I think it will be making & big hit with the public due to-the fact thet you are bringing top notchers only. Love to you and Margaret.