February 12, 19586 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Gerorce W. RicutmirE, President CoLLreGE oF EpucaTIon COLUMBUS BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH February 8, 1938 Department of Physcial Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sirs: Will you please send me a copy of your latest catalogue containing information on undergraduate courses leading to a baccalaureate degree, with specialization in physical education, Very sincerely, W. W, Charters WWC:EG February lly 19586 Mre Ha Os “Frits” Crisler, Princeton tniversity, Princetom, New Jerseys Dear Fritzs Congratulations on your desired move to Michigand Permit me to add my woiee along with the other thousands congratulating you on the many and very success ful years of football coaching administrations. My best wishes to you for your continued and highly interesting successe Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA shE : Varsity Basketball Coache — February 8, 1958s ‘ir. Parke Carroll, Sports Desk, See Se Semen Faw, | Kansas City, lide Dear Parke: : Thank you very mush for your very flue aprend ee ee TL is very aco of you to Go Us, & pers you gad I omily appresiate it very much, With every good wish, i em Very sincerely your's, es Siewuter o€ Vereionk senbbhen, FCAsAH : Varsity Basketball Coach. : Maveh 1, 1553s H ; LEDs és ha Geek te in tae pi, OT oe ee Os You — can comt on thate With best wishes, I en Sincerely yours, Director of — Varsity ! University of Kansas Department of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas Topeka, Kansas “+= Shaw=Walker steel counter, steel office stook and two receptacles back ordered on your recent order went forward to you under date of Jan. 24, 1938 Gales we hear from you we will take it it £0 ment came through in an entirely sat — ry, : SECRETARY AND SALES MANAGER March i, 1988 Varsity Basketball Coach. — PeSe I have a faint recollection that you asked for an autographed copy of my book, “Setter Basketball”, and em wondering if you got ite If not, please let me lmowe LPO EL the. ot Fae Oi Pe ee , The fact that you girls did brave such a the Kansas boys that you were behind then meant Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma February 19th 1938 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Mr. Phog Allen, Lawrence ,Kansas. Dear Phog: T am enclosing two telegrams that arrived yesterday afternoon but forgot to give to you. I trust that the two senders are not too sore, It was a great game and if the weather had not been so bad you would have seen a great crowd. Yours ve y truly, if \ — oS W.dJ.Cross February 7, 1938~ With appreciation of your kind words, and with best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, ‘ Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST AIDS AND TRAINERS’ SUPPLIES FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, FIRST AID KITS AND WALL CABINETS -° 7 Pea MU EAC tu R eC RS AND €X PO RT e€ RS e RAmER CHemicaL Company USE CRAMER'S FIRST AIDS a - R D n € R ’ Ka n 5 a S February 95, i 9 5 8 Dr, Ff. C. Alien Athletic Dept., University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"™: The firm of S. 0. Fisher, Inc. 1024 Main Street - Lynch- burg, Virginia, has written inquiring the price on your book which he read about in the "FIRST ALDER." I wish you would have the publisher contact him, giving the in- formation on discounts to sporting goods dealers. We enjoyed the Nebraska game the other night and hope you have equal success throughout the rest of the season. Very truly yours, yal THE RAMEE. MOICAL, co. February 25, 1938. Mire We Pe Coon, Ure, 925 “elsntt Ste, Deer Junior: Thanks very much, Junior, for your fine wishes con cerning the Oklahone end Iowa State gemes. They heve been tough on us, and 7 don": Imow just how we are going to get eway with the Lincoln hordes I hope you ean cet up to Nebraska . end see us in that fitful turmoil. I appreciate your good wishes, and we sincerely trust thet wo will be worthy of your confidences Appreciating your simeerity and good wishes, I am -Bincerely youre, Director of Physics Sducation, POA sail Versity Bestetball Coaches W. F. COEN, JR. Coen’s ATHLETIC & SPORTING GOODS CO. NINE TWENTY-FIVE WALNUT STREET - - KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI WHOLESALE & RETAIL February 25, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: : a. 4 Have been meaning for several days to drop you a Line offering congratulations on both the Oklahoma and Iowa state games. We just about tore up our house during that last half down in Normen. Going to try hard to be in Lincoln and see you beat the Huskers. You ought to feel mighty proud of the job you have done this year with the boys. Yours very truly, COEN'S ATHIETIC & SPORTING GOODS CO. - ato 1 WFC jr:CES DISTRIBUTORS FOR A. G. SPALDING - REACH - WRIGHT & DITSON - FISHING TACKLE AND OUTING GOODS February 25, 1958. ny ne i me i ve Mel ae i at HH ae Hy a et tty ain 4 Sincerely your's, Director of Physical Mducation, Varsity Basketball Coache 3A E MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST AIDS AND TRAINERS’ SUPPLIES FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, FIRST AID KITS AND WALL CABINETS °* e RAMER CHEemicaL Company Mah rec FUR ee RS AA Dex PO RTE RS ja camer dlivne ee Kansas February 22, 19 5 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Dept. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Many thanks for your letter and we will be over to see you sometime before long. We don't know who is handling the Kansas Relays* publi- city this year, but we would like very much to have a short article for the "FIRST AIDER." We think the Relays are a great institution and want to help in any way we can. There are over 30,000 copies of the "FIRST AIDER" mailed each month. Our next deadline date is March 10, as we hope to go to press by that time. If you don't handle this, just pass it on to whoever does. But if you do, we would like to run a picture of you along with the article. We have your picture here. Awaiting your reply, we are Pebruery 25, 1958> Sports Editor, Fansas City Journsi Post, - Kensas City, "os My dear Parkes . | . $gsue of tho Konseas City Jowmal Post. i am afraid thet you il) us with too many cauplimattse | for beslstball. “ost of the football mon are not reportingse ‘lier _ 33 about the only ance Towever, wo do have sazo likely looking Srectmen, but you Imow even sane of these fresimen who look very hot do not tm up with their gredes in propor shape to play, and to0, you mow, ne. has as fine an outfit of kophanores as I have ever sean cross the floor at one time. eee eee ? Bob Allon is a fine boy, but eventually I think he will be better than Mite Dut Mit always had the old spark thet snapped fire, end Bob is more cool, cal ting, a suocth player who does not dyew fire fran hic opponcite. . ww, ho is a fine student. fe made 15 *s of atredght 4 last semester, so I am gure he will ve eligible if he has the abilitys | good publicity, I om | . Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical OAH | Varsity Danketball Coashs J bes vce Will Be _ Stronger Next. Year Be eees of Soowcren! and Great _ Freshman Squad Make Outlook Rosy on Mt. Oread. By PARKE Kansas. goes on the spot against Nebraska Saturday night in Lincoln and if those young roosters from Mt. Oread survive it may be the start, | of another victory march that won't stop until ‘old. age catches up with a ‘bunch of kids now shaving only the first and fifteenth of every month. While most of the conference has been gazing pensively out the window at six K, U, lettermen and sympathizing with the Jayhawkers cf next year when sophomores mature at Missouri, Oklahoma and Iowa State, Kansas: slipped: in young» replacements and is set for at least three years ahead. Fred Pralle, guard, arid Sylvester Schmidt, center, will be the paly men graduated from this year’s® regular group. Four of the party ‘of thirteen are juniors and seven sophomores. The freshman squad is the greatest.in a decade with Howard Engelman of Arkansas City and Ralph Miller of Chanute ready to step in as regulars the day they become eligible. Bob Allen, son of the Kansas coach, is a better pros- pect than his brother, “Mit,” who squads a few years back. Steve Renko of Wyandotte and Bill Bun- sen. of Shawnee-Mission, big and active, would be welcomed by virtu- ally any other squad in the league but they will have a hard time let- tering next winter. -“Doc” Allen has been coaching for 27 years. He has won 19 cham- pionships and tied for two. Since 1929 in the Big Six conference he has been out of the money only once, gained: five titles, tied with Nebraska last year and finished sec- ond twice. .If he wins remaining games from Nebraska and Missouri it may be a long time betore the string is interrupted. Power Next Year. After graduating Pralle and Schmidt, this letter nucleus met be available next winter: Forwards—Lyman Corlis, 6- oe now 2 sophomore; Fenlon Durand, 6-2, junior; Don Ebling, §-11, sophomore; Loren . Florell, 6-4, sophomore; Nelson Sullivan, 5-11, sophomore; George Golay, 6-3, juniors Guards—Dick Harp, 6-2, sophomore; Carl Johnson, 6-2, sophomore; Lester -Kappelman, 6, junior. Center—Bob Hunt, 5-5. sophomore; Bruce Reid, 6-14, sophomore. Among the sophomores Ebling, Harp and Johnson are regulars. Reid recently furnished the spark that won a crucial game and other major ‘contributions have been made by recruits, indicating vapid improvement. CARROLL. quarterbacked championship Kansas | gin, 43-42, in 1913. MISSOURI-KANSAS FEUD ON CINDERS - SATURDAY NIGHT Event [s Twenty-Bighth Re- ~ newal of Old Indoor Track Rivalry. COLUMBIA, MO., ~MO., Feb. 24. —One of the oldest indoor track rivalries in America will be renewed at Columbia Saturday night when the University of Missouri and Kansas cindermen stage their twenty-eighth meet. It will be the first meeting of the two teams since 1931, when the Jayhawks won, 73-21, in Con- vention hall, Kansas:City, and the first meet they have ever held out+| side of the hall. The long feud started in 1904 and continued every year until 1930 before taking a “day off.” There| was no meet in 1930, but the fol-! lowing year the: Tigers and Jay-' hawks were back at it again. . The records give Missouri a big, advantage in number of meets woa, {the Tigers having captured top. honors 20 times, Kansas 7. Missouri won the first meet, 1904, and re-. peated for the next eight years be-! fore Kansas won by a 1-point mar-| Kansas didn’t win another meet until 1922, but since that time have had the best of it, getting the big count in 1923, ’25, "27; 729 and als Harp, one of Roscoe Brown's Rosedale high school products, has developed into one. of the most ac- complished rebounders in the league. He was a standout in the Northeast Kansas league and car- ried on with the freshmen. Thus far he has fulfilled every promise and may be the man to uphold the standard cf outstanding guard play established by Paul Endicott, Char- ley Black, “Frenchy” Belgard, For- rest Cox, Ray Noble and Pralle. In addition to defensive skill; he hits from a distance and should replace Pralle next season, Sophomores and freshmen have a world of native ability and they are being grounded in the funda- /mentals that make Kansas teams so versatile. While prospects are rosy for next season, the varsity today finds no time for star gazing. In Nebraska 'it faces a determined group. Now .that they are definitely out, the ‘Huskers want Oklahoma to win the title. They have resolved to do something about it which would put it up to Missouri in the final game next Wednesday in Lawrence. The meet Saturday night will be, ? . the fourth of the season for Mis- souri and the second for Kansas. The Tigers have defeated their freshman brothers, Iowa State, and Kansas State, while Kansas has lost to Nebraska. : Missouri is favored to win Sat- urday, but old-timers will tell you that there is nothing certain about Tiger-Jayhawk track meets, and that they are as hard fought as football games between the two. One veteran fan of this ancient feud recalls the 440-yard race of 1928 when all the- runners were disqualified for fouling, but the best yarn is told ‘by Prof. Chester Brewer, former head coach and director of athletics at Missouri. It was during the meet of 1910, while Brewer was track coach at Missouri, that the Anderson twins, Edgar and Elmer, caused such a row in the shot put event that the meet almost ended in a free-for-all fight. The boys looked so much alike that even Coach Brewer could not tell them apart. Edgar threw the shot around the 40-foot mark, while Elmer averaged 36 feet. Edgar tossed the shot 38 feet 34 inch to win first place and when Edgar put the big iron within an inch of the same mark to place second, Kansas officials, contest- ants and fans protested that Edgar had thrown for his twin brother. Professor Brewer does not know to this day whether or not Edgar threw for Brother Elmer, Fifteen years after the meet Brewer met Edgar Andersen and begged to be let in on the secret. “Sorry, coach, it’s , too good a story to spdil at this late date,’ was all that Anderson ‘would say Probable Entries. | 60-Yard Dash—Missouri, Dixon, Pries meyer, Klamm,, Porter, Hoffman; Kansa Fay, Richardson, Masoner, Hardacre. 60-Yard Low Hurdles—Missouri, Whit Welch, Bates; Kansas, Foy, Cox and M soner 60-Yard High Hurdles—Missouri, Whi Welch, Bates; Kansas, Cox, Clark, Knig shot Put—Missouri, Ewing, Ellis, Hyro Kansas, Friedland, Turner, High Jump—Missouri, Aiken, . Bro Miller; Kansas, Cox, Bird. # Pole. Vault—Missouri, Gordon, Wa Bearce, Case; Kansas, Bird. Lawrence. Broad Jump—Missouri, Slayton, Po Klamm, Irick, Denny; Kansas, Clucas, logle, Bird, Cox, Billups, Richardson. 440-Yard Run—Missouri, Gee, Priesmeyer, Bushyhead, Begany, Kansas. Wiles, Cox, Williams, Clucas. 830-Yard Run—Missouri, Munski, Friesz, Bob Friesz, Tull. Penner; Klann. Heckendorn, Sells. 3 ‘1-Mile Run—Missouri, Collins, Rucker, Munski, Farrant; Kansas, Klann, Hecken~ dorn, Toberan, 2-Mile Run—Missourl, Burrus. Munski, Whaley; Kansas, Toberan, Ryan, Hepner. Mile Relay—Missouri, (Gee, Berg, Pries- meyer, Bushhyhead); (Williams, Masoner, Wiles, Cox). ww Kansas, February 25, 1938. Mra Ee Ye Cooper, flank of Leo's Sumit, Lee's Sunit, ‘ide I em glad to imow that you plan to cane over for the Missouri game on March 3 (not the 2nd, as stated in yous letter). I immediately turned your letter and check over to Mire Falkonstion, ani asked him t write youe I kmow he will do the very best he cane Jnel Hall came in and got four tickete from lire Falkenusiiene | Tt will be a pleaswe to see you and your gang on Merch Srde | Vath best wishes, I em Sineerely yours, Divector of Physical Education, wy pansies BANK OF LEE’S SUMMIT “THE OLD RELIABLE” OFFICERS E.W.COOPER, PRESIDENT BEN W.HOKE, Vice PRESIDENT FRED B.CAMPBELL, Cashier LEE GARVIN, Assistant CASHIER J.B.COOPER, AssisTANT CASHIER JAKE HOKE, Assistant CASHIER DIRECTORS E.W.COOPER BEN W. HOKE FRED B.CAMPBELL AUGUST POOS LEE GARVIN JAKE HOKE ROBERT WILLIAMS LEE’S SUMMIT, Mo. Feb. 24th. 1938. Dre Forrest C. Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Phogs Roy Brown, Chas. Childress, and I are coming out to the K. U. * M. U. game, on March, end. and of course we would like to get a good place to sit, so thought I would write you and impose on you a little by asking you to send us some good ticketse I am going to bring these two boys, Wells and Danielson, with me, so you can give them the once over, and I will want five tickets for our crowde There is another bunch coming over, too, and they will want ten tickets, so if you will please send me fifteen tickets, about the center and five or six rows back, I will surely appreciate ite I am enclosing check, which you can fill in with the amount of the tickets, and if you want to furnish the tickets for these boys I spoke to you about, it will not make me sores I see where it looks like you are going to pilot another champion, and heres wishing success, and we will be pulling for youe Well, barring mighty bad weather, I hope to see you on the second of March, and with best regards, I am, Sincerely, yy \ Pee ™ _ Ree, : - ea F.S. CRANE, PRESIDENT C. L. MITCHELL, SECRETARY ‘4 1637 ae en STATIONERY AND SUPPLIES BLANK BOOKS FILING DEVICES ~ cee =6§ YYWEARS YOUNG Feb. 17, 1938 Forrest C. eb Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, 4 Lawrence, Kansas. | Dear Mr. Allen: We thank you for your order of February 15 calling for one No. $512 steel card tray in the Olive Green Finish. We are sorry to advise that we have not been carrying this partiqlar depth tray in stock and have taken the ; liberty of ordering this shipped to you direct from the manufacturer. This should be mailed in the next two or three days which 4 we hope will be satisfactory. Thanking you for this order, we remain Yours very truly, CRANE & COMP ANY F L Brous FLB:ERL FORM 116 Parke Carroll Ke Ce Journal Post, Kansas City, Moe All Big Six selection First team, Pralle, captain and guard, Parsons, guard, Blahnik, immmxi center, McNatt, forward, Mesch, forward. Second team, Martin, guard and captain, Harp, guard, — Schmidt, center, Harvey, forward, Wesche, forwards Letter followse Forrest C. Allene February 15, 1938« Mire We Fe Coen, Jrag \ 925 Walnut Ste Kansas City, ‘ioe Dear June: \ We are leaving for Oklahoma City at 10:57 Thursday ' evening, arriving there at 7:40 Friday mornings I would suggest that you buy your ticket to Lewrence and join the squad heres Looking forward to seeing you Thursday, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical h eB Varsity Basketball Condle November 9, 1957— — gave Conch St. Clair four balie to try oute St. Cleir tossed them out on the fleors The boye pieked them up, looked at them, shot at the basket two or three times, and then picked thea up and threw all four up in the baleony, somewhat to Coach St. Clair'’s enterragsment — in the presence of the salosmense On the basis of our experiments with the ball we co not lize it from any angles ‘This is confidential to yous Howe ever, i told, the Wilson people very direstlys While I do not lembast the ball at the eoaching schools at which I teach, I let them mow very definitely that I do not like a seamless bell. Why do we not wee a lacelese football, I aske They made one, but it lasted but one yFoare : IT also use the lace on the basketball to a very decided advantage. ia my opinion wo do not want a ball to last two : . throw out a vew football or e new baseball? 74 CS 2 2 3 es