MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST AIDS AND TRAINERS’ SUPPLIES FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, FIRST AID KITS AND WALL CABINETS °* e RAMER CHEemicaL Company Mah rec FUR ee RS AA Dex PO RTE RS ja camer dlivne ee Kansas February 22, 19 5 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Dept. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Many thanks for your letter and we will be over to see you sometime before long. We don't know who is handling the Kansas Relays* publi- city this year, but we would like very much to have a short article for the "FIRST AIDER." We think the Relays are a great institution and want to help in any way we can. There are over 30,000 copies of the "FIRST AIDER" mailed each month. Our next deadline date is March 10, as we hope to go to press by that time. If you don't handle this, just pass it on to whoever does. But if you do, we would like to run a picture of you along with the article. We have your picture here. Awaiting your reply, we are