Mr. J. H. Crocker #2 February 15, 1938 If, on the other hand, the Canadian Amateur Basketball Association were to be officially recognized and designated by the Canadian Amateur Athletic Union as that organization which has jurisdiction over and res- ponsibility for amateur basketball in Canada under the control of the parent body, namely, the A.A.U., then we would continue to recognize the Canadian Amateur Basket-~ ball Association as the official body to hold representa- tion on our National Basketball Committee. I hope I am correct in my conclusions, but feel the need of being guided by your judgment. Has the A.AU. of Canada officially appointed a representative to the National Basketball Rules Comm- ittee? If so, who is this representative? I do not know what, if any disposal Was made of the funds which are mentioned in the letter Mr. Rogers wrote to you. It would be my offhand judgment that this amount of:money should be divided on a fifty-fifty basis between the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union and the organization which Mr. Rogers officially represented, which, as I understand it, was the Canadian Amateur Basket~ ball Association, a subsidiary of the Canadian A. A. U- I am sending a copy of this letter to the Execu- tive Committee of the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada, This Executive Committee con- sists of the officers of the Rules Committee, together with yourself and Dr. Brown, I am asking this Executive Committee to express to me their judgment on the question of the appropriate or legal representation from Canada. Cordially yours, Le We. St. John, Chairman LWS/MF