Tanuary 24, 1956 Mr. Le Ee Menze, Basketball Coach Iowa State College Ames, Lowa Dear Louie: I want to worly to your letter of Jenuary 14th in regard to the Bask-O-Lite goals. I recall. very well the conference meeting at which time it seemed we were the only ones not interested in this goal. =< did not heve the time to experiment with the goal to give it my consideration and felt as you did that if the rest of the conference wanted the goal, Nebraska would put it in. We installed these goale end geve them « thorough trial | and did not find them satisfactory. The non-conference teams that we plsyed were very much oppesed to our use of this goal and this made it rather ineonvenient and unpleasant to change the goal every time thet we had a new team coming to the Col- iseum., Our boys did not like the goal, The tall boys did not like it for the reasons we have discussed and the small boys did not ijike it as they felt as if they were shooting ro dg gualame well as the other common ressons for disiiking he goal. They also hed considersbie amount of mechanical trouble, In facet, two sete were installed before the switches were set properly and functioned as they should. The inconvenience hinging eround these baskets certainly has proven to us that — are not worth the amount of money necessary to install chanee The main reason for using this goal ie to flash the light when a basket is made for the information and guidance of the spectators behind the basket. ‘“e have found a very sate isafactory substitute in the way of lights to be controled from the secorer's bench similar to what George Sdwards was _ dcing at “issouri, These were tried in cur game with Kansas State and were very satisfactory. In other words, everything considered, Louie, we do not want to use the Bask-0-Lite goal _—" prefer the ol14 goal for our game at Ames next Seturday nig te