L. W. St. John #3 March lst, 1938. no basketball and there is not one team in Canada play- ing directly under its auspices. I quite appreciate your remarks that there is nothing personal in connection with this matter and may also add that as between Mr. Crocker and myself there is nothing personal in this letter, but I do say that neither yourself nor any other members of the Executive have been informed as to the true Canadian picture otherwise I feel certain that you would not have reached the conclusion which is contained in your letter. I am sending a copy of this letter to every mem- ber of the Committee and would ask you to take the matter up again with the members of the Executive and request that further action be deferred until the meeting of the Rules Committee is held, At that time the three bodies concerned, namely, the C.A,B,A,, the A.A.U. of Canada and the Canadian Intercollegiate Association should be asked to make a full statement as to the Canadian situation and the Committee should judge for itself what action should be taken, : Unless the C.A.B.A. remains as a member of th® National Committee it will no longer be a National Basket- ball Committee of the United States and Canada. Yours truly, SR/VCM Samuel Rogers,