OFFICERS E.W. COOPER, PresIDENT BEN W.HOKE, Vice PrResIDENT FRED B.CAMPBELL, CasHier LEE GARVIN, Assistant CasHiER J.B.COOPER, ASSISTANT CASHIER JAKE HOKE, Assistant CASHIER BANK OF LEE’S SUMMIT “THE OLD..RELIABLE” DIRECTORS E W.COOPER BEN W. HOKE FRED B.CAMPBELL AUGUST POOS LEE GARVIN JAKE HOKE ROBERT WILLIAMS LEE’S Summit, Mo. March, 24the 1938. vd ara \ Vv o Dre Fe GC. Allen Kansas University, i Lawrence, Kansas. a Dear Phogs a an I am just dropping you a line about our banquet we are having for our basket ball boys, gerlse We are having it on the evening of April, 6th., at about 63:30, and as you said you would come over and be our guest and speaker of the evening, if I would just let you know the date, so here I am letting you know that date is April, 6the We would be mighty happy, Phog, if you can arrange to come that evening, and if the time of 6:50 is not suitable, we can change the time to any time you saye Also, you will not want to drive over here, alone, so bring anyone you wish with youe Why not bring Mrs. Allen and another couple and the ladies could visit with lirs. Cooper, while we were at the banquet, if they did not care to attend. My wife would be delighted to have theme I am very anxious to have you talk to these two boys that graduate this year, Wells and Danielson, for they are really your kind. Your boy Praille really set the National, Tournament at Denver, afire, didn't he? I bet you are proud of him. He is sure a darbe Heres hoping you can make it on the 6th., and with very best to you and yours, I an, erely, x