Principal Frenk Wagemetiy ee | . Dear li, Vagamans e | i Pardon ny failure to answer your good letter of the 17th soonet's I have beon out on speaking engagewonts, whieh eccousts for my delay in writing yous { tao heme a yodin wen Seve vie Se 'gnbneiek be year who rates A las 1s Eis meme is Yauriee Cemmady. He ae ere ee oe ently Peele Se Me eukd a @lean boye lle is a umjor in tho Departaest of Physical Raue~ chiens eth & iver in bhdiegion! eshiunate comend Cannady to you without re 2 or evasicn, and I assure you that if you get Caumady you will get me of the ever, he has had three years et Sylvia, - eit ses ie see ne ethan I teust thet ou SS ee ° i : silat aasdis Gaia FCASAH . —— a