Che Corning High School RB. W. Currie, Principal Corning, Jowa 229-38. Dr. F. C. Alien, Lewrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: After checking up on our calendar we find that the week ending March 18th appears to be most suitable to both of us. Our choice of dates is Friday, March 18th, if you can come at that time. If this is not possible, will you select the nearest possible date during that week. If no date during this week is available, will you suggest the earliest date in April’ on which you cam come to us? We are trying’ to estimate the total expense of our banquet and will appreciate it, if you can give us a fairly definite idea of what your expenses will be. If you have available materials which we may use as publicity in the news-papers we shall be glad to have them. Perhaps you have an electrotype of yourself we may use. Cordially your Louis Fisher, Coach.