7 —, ee For a SS s WA 7 Cc AA Cpl SZ. 3 o = ae oS . s20fes, ae 2 e a DS nl 3 eo 7 of AS — aa/ Sos oe duly Gy W988. | at! | T am enclosing a football schedule for your informations lag ned a elated ncaa san de ceca some time during the fell. With every good wish, I em GORDON L. TEALL, D. D. S., PRESIDENT FLOYD C. CARY, D. D. S., VICE-PRESIDENT MONTE GANTS, D. D. S., SEC.-TREAS, HIAWATHA S50! R.-W. BLDG., HUTCHINSON DOWNS KANSAS STATE BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS Hutchinson, Kansas. August 6, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I received your letter the other day and I want to thank you for the interest you have taken in Klein Boyd, it is going to help me out a great deal in working this oute It looks awfully good at the present time for the re-election of Governor Huxman. I have no fear on any angle, so you know just how I feel in the coming Campatgn. We aregoing to start about September the first and wo will be in Lawrence maybe for one or two of the football games this year campaigning and looking around for the trouble if there happens to be any there in behalf of Governor Huxmane Hoping to see you again soon and again I want to thank you for the kindness you have shown me, I am Very truly yours, Phi! Cece Dre Floyd Cary. FCC :HH * ; “I mde inquiry at once in regard to rooms, and find | thet the rent will be in the neighborhood ef $7 to $8 a month per boy where there are two boys in @ rodite Mrs | 1329 Vermont Street, the mother of h with her” she ts & vary lovely Indy, end would do, te shell be glad to see you when you come to Lawrence in Septenbere | Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache Washington Kansas August 8, 1938 NN Dear Sir: When I was in Lawerence Decoration Day you told me to write you the first part of August- Will you Please secure me my place to stay and my roommate as you stated in your interview. I will tbe in Lawerence by the 17th of September but I can come down before that if you have any work in mind that I could da. Thanking you for the favors you have given me and awaiting your reply I remain. fod Cagfize August 11, 19356. Very sincerely yours, Director of Pliysicel Bdueation, FCAsAll Versity Basketball Coache | é r 5 edt 4 AP BB g 7 E gl Hes aaa it ib ls Ai ii a ; iii 2 3 sighs Hist GSE a i es Te ity HE Mid il iii’ qs2 Ht ae TH sass 2:3 | AY? att ie ad | ii Ais eal j evade ly " i itt Sp it Ld iu bili ii wig] Crabtree, Tomiie Mr. Russell Clarion, Dear Mrs Crabtree: Clarion, Iowa August 34, 1938 Dr. Forest Allen Kansas University Hutchinson, Kansas Dear Coach: I have been trying to find some method by which I can teach my boys football and basketball plays other than the use of chalk and blackboard instruction. While in Des Moines the other day I was talking with Buck Powers, formerly with Spalding, and he suggested that I write to you for particulars. He is under the impression that you have been using sone device whereby you move images to certain positions on the football fisid or basketball court. If you have such a device will you please give me a brief discription of how it works, the price of the commodity, and where it can be purchased. I am anxious to receive this information as. soon as possible because my football season opens next week. Thanking you very much for the favor, Sincerely yours Once Gah August 29, 1958. Mie Don Coulter, a a 8y3 i f i itt bi a i Hee. uy {ft j tT iin | g3 Sis ae ie (i if iil iat i ity ac aia Ie iinine a He nit B G3hs aH i is i 3 fy Ba Hip ih iy he “Et A % 1 i i a itis site wit i ee ane sit si i Yel 31355 4 He A i a5 ill I i kindest Sincerely yours, Diveetor of : Vareity ll Coathse dugust 12, 19586 Louisville and apnoea, Zoe cece Nemes te keen in touch I em leaving tomorrow morning f be gone for a weck or so, but I want you Oy Director of Physical Educati. August 12, 1938. Yours, Coache Varsity Basketball OFFICERS E.W. COOPER, PRESIDENT BEN W.HOKE, Vice PResIDENT FRED B.CAMPBELL , CasHier LEE GARVIN, Assistant CasHieR J.B.COOPER, AssisTANT CASHIER JAKE HOKE, Assistant CASHIER BANK OF LEE’S SUMMIT “THE OLD RELIABLE” LEE’S SUMMIT, Mo. July, 13th. 1938. Dre Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog; DIRECTORS E W.COOPER BEN W. HOKE FRED B.CAMPBELL AUGUST POOS LEE GARVIN JAKE HOKE ROBERT WILLIAMS There is a boy who graduated from the High School, at Pleasant Hill, this June, and his name is xenry Spanbauer. He is a fine athlete, good football player, fine basket ball player, and track man, but he is strong for his basket ball, so he telis me he would rather go to K. U. than anywhere on account of the basket ball. He is six feet tall, weighs about 180, is fast and smart, a clever ball handler, and a good shot, and with all he is a fins student. He has had overtures from several good schools, he tells me he would like to go to Kansas, on account of you being the basket ball coach, there. worry anything about his grades. This boy will make you a good boy, and they tell me his scholastic record was very good, so you would not have to I do not know how mich aid he would have to have, but if you will let me know when it would be convenient, I will have him come over and talk to you, or I might bring him over there, myself. Oy better still, if you would make that long-promised visit, I would run you down to Pleasant Hill to see this boy. Anyway, let me know, for I dont think you can go wrong on this lad, The gang here joins me in — Sincerely, Tr eats: