OFFICERS E.W. COOPER, PRESIDENT BEN W.HOKE, Vice PResIDENT FRED B.CAMPBELL , CasHier LEE GARVIN, Assistant CasHieR J.B.COOPER, AssisTANT CASHIER JAKE HOKE, Assistant CASHIER BANK OF LEE’S SUMMIT “THE OLD RELIABLE” LEE’S SUMMIT, Mo. July, 13th. 1938. Dre Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog; DIRECTORS E W.COOPER BEN W. HOKE FRED B.CAMPBELL AUGUST POOS LEE GARVIN JAKE HOKE ROBERT WILLIAMS There is a boy who graduated from the High School, at Pleasant Hill, this June, and his name is xenry Spanbauer. He is a fine athlete, good football player, fine basket ball player, and track man, but he is strong for his basket ball, so he telis me he would rather go to K. U. than anywhere on account of the basket ball. He is six feet tall, weighs about 180, is fast and smart, a clever ball handler, and a good shot, and with all he is a fins student. He has had overtures from several good schools, he tells me he would like to go to Kansas, on account of you being the basket ball coach, there. worry anything about his grades. This boy will make you a good boy, and they tell me his scholastic record was very good, so you would not have to I do not know how mich aid he would have to have, but if you will let me know when it would be convenient, I will have him come over and talk to you, or I might bring him over there, myself. Oy better still, if you would make that long-promised visit, I would run you down to Pleasant Hill to see this boy. Anyway, let me know, for I dont think you can go wrong on this lad, The gang here joins me in — Sincerely, Tr eats: