Converse RUBBER COMPANY Manufacturers of Rubber Products MALDEN. MASSACHUSETTS, U_S.A. May hy 1938. Coach Forrest Ce Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Coach: A few weeks ago we sent you a data sheet with the request that you have this filled out and returned together with a picture of your 1937-38 Basketball Team so that we might include it in this year's edition of the Converse Basketball Year Book. Not having heard from you we are again taking this opportunity to find out if you will be represented this season. In case the original data sheet was misplaced we are enclosing another one together with a reply card, which we would like to have you send by return mail. Trusting that you will be represented this year, we are Very truly yours, CONVERSE RUBBER COMPANY Year Book Editore WRL :HP Encls e