See ey 4g nee Tonka re ? Page 2 is substantially accurate, but if scores are dissimilar, the "patio" is more accurate.” Obviously a team that has a two-point advantage by average scores of 20 to 18 is superior to a team that has a or advantage in seores 40 to 38 (to use extreme ex~ amp Lats | Still a third method of rating teams by keeping a detailed record of the performance of each player, from which a composite of the team could be wade, was worked out by the depart< = of physical education at the Unive rsity of Kansas last winter, a eta upon results was presented at the recent meeting of the-National Association of Basketball Coaches by Dre Forrest C. Al- len, chairman of the physical education department, am basketball coach at Kansas, and member of the research committee of the nat ion- ge al association, For’example, each player was eredited with 10 points for each score, 5 points for a free throw, 4 points ‘- an "assist"--a good pass’ to the player who Fortin th scored point for a good pass or eatch; minus 2 for fumbling the ball; sdbuue” for a pass out of baueds) mine 8 for a personal foul; the net tote: giving an evaluation of the player, thus serving as a means of somparigon with his fellow-players, end team totals serving as « means of comparing teans. Further comparision of teams is possible by: com= putation of percentages of attempts at goal thot are good, both on > throws from the playing floor, and from free throws. Yor exame ple, Dr, Allen reported to the coaches a study of ecoring in three final home conference games. Here are some of the compariscns: — Kansas made 85.9 per cent of its attempts at goals; the visiting teams, 21.2 per cent. ‘Kensas made 64,5. per cent of her at’ . free throws; ° ante. 54.5. Seventy times, Kansas recovered the ball on rebound from its own back board ; opponents recovered 51 tines: Kansas recovered rebound from opponents’ beck board 78 times; op- : nts recovered from Kansas* back board 54 times. Kansas made 1023 good passes of the ball; opponents, 607, Fumbles and held bells were about even, but the percentage of scoring and recovery of balls was reflected in the scoring: Kansas 159 points (and al three games); opponents 102 points. Yours very truly, Assoc, *rof, Journaliam and director, Ke Us News Bureatts WAD