ae peomuse the offensive player ds restvedned fron loosting in the free thror “By keeping the offensive player out in front of the free throw line . much of the fouling whieh heretofore existed will be eliminated. Many of the rule members voted for the rule as it 1s this year not because they bee lieved in At, but because there was a damnd by certain coaches for it. any of the coaches feel that in the future it will be necessary to have a 12 foot free throw line instead of a 6 foot free throw lines The double | post players are locatins themselves just off of the 6 foot free throw line | and many of the rule makers fear that the pushing and jeming under the old rule will bring back many of the griefs that endured at that times Tino Owt: ALY college teams may take five charged time out poriods without a penalty. There is also pormiseion granted if mutual agreement obtains be- tween the college teans to play the games in quarters. Coaches who desire nore than the five changed tine out periods my use the between quurtor periods to obtain two additional tine outs without penalty. Substitution: “Substitutions are not to be permitted in the interval following @ goal and putting the ball inte play from out of bounds unless a charged time out or time out for injury has been declared. It 40 still legal, hovever, - for either team to take a charged time out after a goal." This rule ws to tinmrt the toam making the goal fron substituting when the team that had — _ Just been scored upon rightfully had possession of the ball, and a substitution would stop their fast breals : Sump Balls "ALL jump tale mist tako place at least cix fect fran the noarest boundary lines that ic, the junp ball rule applied to the side-lines last yoar now applies elso to the endelinese" ‘This rule oqualizes all held balas near the boundary Line being brought in 6 feet fron either the end line or the sides — : AS |