= Division Line Rule: “If a player in possession of the tall is touching or straddling the division line he is to be considered in the tack court regards - less of the direction fran which the ball canes to him, If he dribbles the ‘ball fran the back court, the tenssesonds count continues as long as he is touching the floor on or behind the line. If he dribbles the ball fran the front cowrt, he is considered to be in the back court as soon as he touches or straddles the linc, just as last year. If he receives a pass while touche ing or straddling the line, the foregoing applics in tho samo ways Under this now ruling thore is one fact to bear in mindt On the line is in the back courte” This now ruling definitely settles a1? past controversies regarding the direction of the player and the ball. ‘Zouching Ball: "If the tall is in the air on e try for goal when the sigual sounds to end a period, subsequent touching of the ball by a teammate of the thrower nullifies the goals but if such touching is done by a defensive player, the goal counts if made.” This rule clarifies the rules regarding ball touched by a defensive players Heretofore this was not clears Size of Ball: For players below senior high school age the minimm circunference: of the tall 4s to bo 29 inches. For older playors tho minimm cirousforense cone times to be 295 inches. The maximum cirowference for all balls is to be 30 inches instead of 30; inchese" It was folt timt a enellor ball for yomgsters would encourage better ball handlinge