W ase During this time a car had been stopped by the third employee and the driver had consented to take the patient to a hospitale Four of us picked up the injured man and placed him in the back seat of the car, lying downe On the way to the hospital he kept wanting to take off his glove and was complaining of a foot injurye However, I did not permit him to take off his glove because I knew that the voltage of the line had been so strong that his hand was probably severely purned, and should he be able to see his hand he might have a relapse of some kind of a iach reaction which might have been fatal if his heart had not been in good conditione We arrived at the hospital and immediately preparation was made for hime Upon investigation we found that two fingers of his left hand had been practically burned off. The meat was cooked so that a short time after his injury the flesh all fell off of the fingerse However, the injury to his foot was a very minor onee The doctors had not yet been able to find out where or how the electricity passed Aisouds his body because it left no other burnse He had a large bruise on his head which was caused from the fall. He also received two broken ribs which accounted for the kind of blood he was coughing up when he started breathinge These broken ribs had slightly punctured a lunge. X-rays were made of his ribs and it was approx=- imately 8 hours before the doctors could tell where the ribs were even brokene The patient had to remain in the hospital for three weeks under the care of a special nurse, and it was nine weeks before he was per- mitted to return to work, and then he was not allowed to participate in any heavy work. This employee had been working around electricity and electric light equipment for ten years and this accident proves that regardless of how much experience one has he can never be too careful when taking chances of this nature. He was a comparatively young man, 29 years of age, and