OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL BARTLESVILLE OKLAHOMA April 4,19386 Dear Dr. Allen: The perennial congratulations seem to be in order since Dr. Allen and his Jayhawkers again took the Big Six title for the steenth time.I followed all the games this year and the Big Six certainly produced some thrilling battles and a close race.Pleased immensely to see you and the Jayhawks on top after not being conceded a chance at the beginning of theeseason. We had a had very successful season,ending in a tie with Tulsa Central for the league championship and then Tulsa nosed us out to go thru and win the State title. Now for another proposition.I just noticed in the newspapers that Jay Plumley,freshman coach in basketball, had resigned at K.U. I did not know you had a freshman coach, so was surprised to hear about it.That suddenly gave me a thought and am going to see what you reaction will be to such a pregnant ideas I have a Masters degree from the school 68 Education. You are now establishing a school of coaching and augmenting the Physical Education department My 16 years of coazhing experience in many of the sports and in physical education should ehable me to suvcessfully caryy on some instructional work in this particular field if I have not been static and have showed any signs of growth. Furthermore,I am sure with the advanced degree in education,I could instruct in courses in this field and the work would be acceptable toward anA.B. degree or also graduate workeAlso,I believe I have had enough experience to successfully handle freshman basketball in additionel was thinking a combination job in the school of education and freshman basketball would be ideal and a job which I could carry on efficiently. Now,what do you think of such a thought? If you think any thing could be devéloped I would be intensely interested and wish you would check up with any coagh in Oklahoma,any school admin= istrator,and any member of the local school,or any of the prominent citizens about the work I have been carrying on here and see whether I have been getting the job donee Let me hear from youe