Page Two : Febe 12, 1942 If the team does not have extraesized men, combined with speedy floor covering fellows, then the players are forced to fight their hearts out in this fast, breikenesk, speedy gamee | Pardon the personal reference, but in our own Conference a fellow can use the best examples The University of Nebraska has two guards, Don Fits, 614", Sidney Held, 6°4", their center, Al Randall is 6*7", and then they have a great croup of sizeable fellows, ‘practically all of them 6* or more in height. Nebraska uses a few short fellows for speed occasionally, but when the power is turned on these big boys do their stuff. You can easily see that & Kansas team with Howard Englemen, 643" tall, 157 pounds; Bob Allen, 6" tall, 157 poundss John Kline, 6'2" tall, 190 pounds; Marvin Sollenberger, 6* tall, 175 poundss and Vance Hall, 6* tall, 170 pounds; or TePe Hunter, 615" tall, 155 pounds (this is our regular line-up) is easily outweighed by Nebrasia by fifteen pounds to the mans Now height plus weight kills the opponent when the boys run their hearts out in the breakeneck game, and then they are forced to obtain the rebounds off the backboards This is the point that the advocates of the madcap, pell mell, hell bent for election jausters fail to take into accounte : I em only talking about college athletics, Should you go down into a high school, or a junior high school, then more disastrous results are shown because the emotional instability of these youngsters is much more pronounced. Back to our BigeSix Conferences Oklahoma has Hugh Ford, 616", 185 poundss guards, Paul Heap, 6'4" and Allie Paine, 6's the other Oklahana boys are 612", 611", etce Now to Iown State, Iowe State has a big fellow transferred from Purdue, Gordon Nicholas, 6*3", 185 pounds and Carol Schneider, — 66", 195 poundse Kansas State at Manhattan has Danny Howe, 61"; Larry : Beaumont, 695"3 and Tom Guy, 69S", All the boys range about 693® and weigh from 190 to 195 pounds. Beaumont is 26 years of age and the Aggie team averages about 255 yearse , : 3 When a team in a conference is forced to play against those types of fellows when you have no men of height and power to match them, then the heart train is double. I believe the best illustration T can give is regarding the automobile in its speed differential, Any physicist can tell you that the car will burn nearly twise as much gasoline running at 70 miles an hour than it will burn at 40 miles an houre And so, overcoming this , ge 0 a against taller and more powerful opposition, the heart strain is double. hy : It is not merely running on the floor as indicated by the pedometer that kills the boys, it is not merely being in action, but it is being in action against this powerful heighte If the basket were raised twelve feet than the archof dispersement would be greater, the ball would bound further away from the basket and this tall, mezzanineepeeping goon could not block out the other fellows and with his fingers a few inches from the hoop, push the ball into the basket, or hold it above his head, or barely dunk it into the hoops 3