March 21, 1946 Miss Mee Dooley o/o Pe Oo Box 284 Independence, Moe ' Dear Macy I certainly wes surprised to hear from you, not having seen you for more than 40 yearse I was very happy to receive your letters — I am sending John a carbon copy of this letter since I am extremely | pressed for time--I have to catch a train in a few minutes for Gare den City where I am speaking at a basketball banquet. | I talked to Jim Williams, the secretary of the Fostoria YMCA, and told him about one of my old friends from back hom being in ! Toledo and wanting to get over to the banquet which is Monday night, Merch end I think it will be at the YMCAe Jim Williams said to tell "John Dooley he would like to have him there as his mer during the time I am to speaks I will not get into Fostoria until Monday afternoon at 3:40 Pem. and will leave early the next morning at 2245 aems so T won't be there long, but I'd be happy to see John for awhiles I'd suge gest he call if. Williams so he'll know where it will bee He was formerly the secretary of the YMCA at Wichita, Give your good brothers Ernest and Harry and Lee my kindest regards» I certainly remember them very well, It's always been ® pleasure to talk to one of the Dooley clans With all good wishes to you, Mae, and kindest regards, I am, — f Sincerely yours, & Porrest CG. Allen, Dire#® = Physical Education PsSe Since Dr» Allen had to leave the office in order to get his train, he asked me to sign this letter for hime ms Caren January 17, 1946 Mr. Al Duer, Athletic Director George lfepperdine College 1121 West 79th Street Los Angeles, California Dear Als: Thanks for your kind letter of the llth instant. It was good to see you and have a visit with you and your boys. We do not have a great team, just a bunch of boys who came to college primarily for an educatione We have not yet come into the big time like some of our competitors, Wishing you continued success, I am Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education, FCA:MF . Varsity Basketball Coach. GEORGE PEPPERDINE COLLEGE 1121 WEST SEVENTY-NINTH STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA January ll, 1946 OFFICE OF THE DEAN OL lien Dre “Phog" Allen Director of Athletics University of Kansas ‘Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": T can't let the opportunity pass without thanking you for the many courtesies you showed my boys and me at the All-College. It was a real privilege to get to talk with you, and to get to kmow your boys. They are a swell bunch and I'm predicting you will have one of the best teams in the comtry after they have played tocether for a few weeks. It was cer- tainly no disgrace to lose to Ibats experienced and well-coached teame Had either of us spent as many hours in drill as that team had, it would have been quite a different score. Please give my best regards to all the fellows. I am looking forward to many years of sports contact with you and the University. With best wishes for a very successful season, I am Sincerely, Cu | a "Coach" Al Duer, Athletic Director AOD /rw August 16, 1946 Mre Dell Davidson 717 Ohio Street Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dell: ‘ I am leaving tomorrow for a twoeweeks' vacation, So far as I know, there is nothing that needs immediate attention in connection with the physical education grounds and plant. However, before school begins there are several things that will need to be done end I thought you should have them in mind so that when you had available time sie might work on theris I have the Siininlatveet toate okay to to go ahead end hire boys to work on the tennis courts following the plan that we talked about . recently. We will need to get at least one more roller and a dry lime marker and I will try to order these soon, I wish you would heck on the approximate cost of getting water to the courts so that we can sprinkle them, If it is not too. expensive to lay some pipe, we will try to get that done early in September. We should really have a drinking fountain near each group of courtse Would you be able to repair the handball courts, or do you’ want me to try to get the Buildings and Grounds to do this? They will need some boards replaced, some cracks filled, and possibly some painting done. I could probably get some students to take care of the pehesinee if we could gef the material from yous By the — we have students on the campus, we should have our touch football fields (6) ready to go, except for marking which will have to be done after we start to play. I believe that we can use 6 fields, 4 on the regular intramural fields and 2-on the hay meadowe Sometime within the first two weeks of September we will have to establish 3 touch football fields at Sunflower Ordnance. We expect to have about 2,000 students out there and we are going to have en extensive intramural program. If you need additional pipes for goal — go ahead and buy them and charge them to physical tues iehe I would also like to establish 6 horseshoe courts at Sunflower in regular bozes. Volleyball posts are already up and. all we will need to do if to mark the 3 volleyball courts there. It will probably teke a half day's work at Sunflower, possibly a daye I will be gied to go out with you and show you the location of things sometime in the early part of September. The only other thing that I can think of at present which a April 8, 1946 Dre Oc We Davidson Huren Building Kansas City, Kansas Dear Dr. Davidson: I am sorry for the long delay in answering your letter , of January 8, It was very fine of you to call my attention to the matter concerning the,girls whom you mentioned. I have taken this matter up with Wiss Hoover, who is head of the Women's Physical Education, and consequentially the faculty: representative on the Quack Club. It is my sincere hope that she will be able to straighten out the matter to the satisfaction of all concerned. Sincerely yours, | Direetor of Physical Education, -PCAMF , Varsity Basketball Coach. O. W. DAVIDSON, M. D. HURON BUILDING KANSAS CITY, KANSAS January 8, 1946 Dr. F.C. Allien, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Regarding the three girls I talked to you about some time ago, be assured I have no personal interest in the matter. I haven't talked to any of the girls or their parents, but was motivated to mention the matter to you as a result of criticisms among/some other persons in town that I heard about. Thinking that in fairness to the University's standing among those interested, you might be able to find something to soothe those who consider the girls expert swimmers and worthy of more consideration as candidates for membership in the Quack “lub, I eam giving you their names: Marie Horseman, Deris Brown, Barbara Roberts, and I think barbara Hume. Looking forward to seeing you again, I am Sincerely yours, O.W. Davidson, M.D. April 8, 1946 Mr. Russell Denbery 110 Bast Wallace Avenue ¢ New Castle, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Denbery: Your letter concerning the persuasion of athletes to attend large institutions was very interesting to me. I appreciate very much your comments concerning my career and my attempts at cleaning up basketball. : Under the present seteup there is very little that can be done to alleviate the situation which you deseribed. ‘However, big men in the field of athletics are wopking daily on the situation. I hope that soon we shall have a set-up that shall better protect small institutions from so-called "robbery" of their material. . I am sorry that this letter was so long delayed. With sincere regards, I am Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, PCAs! Varsity Basketball Coach, s A. C. Edgecomb and when A. C. Edge- rns as athletic director College as* current re- dicate. The local sports ee oe rte aes ney and integri as the veteran Canadian al- —_ +I Roy (Leg director of Mountaineer ing record ir ball in 192¢ years. At tl for Bluefiel: ints in a ournament Mike Snyder circuit as the £ did . . . Noble Jorgenson, saw tag@sburgh lad now scaling 230|morths in tt ounds, is giving Clay Wilkinson, district kingpin of Pops Harrison’s Iowa|Blanwa of Yo Hawkeyes, all the fight he wants eaman c for the starting pivot berth. Still] Adolbh Rupp growing at 20, Jorgy is now 6 feet|vargity _ this 8. Also on Harrison’s squad are a couple of former Duquesne High shotmakers, 170-pound Johnny Kashlak and 160-pound Mik Demyan. aign that signal barking Frosh. Zeama The nation’s publicists aye Bo McMillin refers to his Jn- diana champions of the Big Ten as “my pore li’l boys.” Bo used exactly the same phrase to de- scribe his 1926 Geneva jugger- naut, which with such giants as Cal Hubbard, Os Maddox and Mack Flenniken was just about as formidable an outfit as any coach could wish for... Promi- nent at the Carn: gie Tech-Jun- iata tilt Thursday night was Eddie Milkovich, the onetime Duquesne U. sharpshooter. The Serb flash sat on the Tech bench to lend Max Hannum a elning hand... Early renorts for Avalon in If Freddie gets the jum; ters this sez back upon a summer She place in the high jump . ball candida as to who is ‘to pattern -° took a vot and Hank winners . Eddie Mi) these day Eddie at ( shorter th: George, si say Alex Medich, only fresh- _ man in the Pitt starting lineup, the Helrs all-time’ March 26, 1946 Mr. Ben Douglas | Grinnell College _ Department of mmbetsan Grinnell, Towa . | Dear Ben: I have been delayed in answering your letter © due to the pressing basketbhalt season which is now past. oy It was swell to hear that you are ped from Peleliu and that you are back in the coack’bdsiness. As you know, even with all the headaches it does have many advantages « Thanks for your well wishing. It helped a lot, I know. We were all disappointed in not being able to handle Oklahoma A & M but we are glad that the grind is over and are Jooking forward to a fresh session next yoar,. Spring. has come to Kansas and the golf course bee comes more attractive each day. I have been able to get out on a _ occasions between speaking tripse : Let me hear from you again, It is always a pleasure to know what you are doing. With best wishes, Iam y ; oo Sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education, FCA:MF- : Varsity Basketball Coach. ~ DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS GRINNELL COLLEGE GRINNELL, IOWA 1 Feb 1946 Dear Phog: See you are knocking on the door again-guess it would be better to say that you are inside and the rest are knocking at the door. Yanted to get up to Ames and see your “owa “tate gane but I inherited this basketball team two weeks ago, and you know the headaches. The path may be a little easier this semster, have a few new boys to use starting Sat night. | Got home from Peleliu about the Middle of November, guess the landerabs and roosters have taken over by now, and suits me fine. Want to wish you luck on out from here. ~on't imagine you are happy about losing this hi-scoring freshman but I guess a fellow:lets himself in for a lot of headaches as soon as he walks out on that floore Hope we can get to- gether for a golf game one day, I have not played in two years-almost killed me. Best regards oc en Douglas March 12, 1946 Mr. Stuart Dunbar, Sports Editor The Salina Jovrnal Salina, Kansas Dear Stus _ I turned over your $5.00 to our Mr, Falkenstein and I am very sure that you are going to get some very good seats. He has assured me that he will take care of you. I am leaving early in the morning to wit- ness the Oklahoma Aggie game at Normanj Oklahoma, Thanks for your kind words, We will give them everything we have, but that may riot be enough. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, FCA:MF , Varsity Basketball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Fob February 27, 1946 David Le Davidson, RIM. 8/c Ue Se Sey PCH485 c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California Dear Davids Your dad dropped into the office and asked for the game schedule and game scores, I thought you would like to have an autographed copy of. the Kansas-lowa State game so we are sending it to yous With all good wishes; I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA sMF Varsity Basketball Coach. 4 ~ tee” February 21, 1946 Mr. Ba pegXeY Boys' Dormitory Bethany College Lindsborg, Kansas Dear Ed: I trust that the shoes arrived and were satisfactory. I put an extra pair in for good mdéasure because one of the pairs was worn a little and I wanted you to have full value. ’ Wishing you continued success, I am Sincerely, . Director of Physical Education, FCA: MP Varsity Basketball Coach. BETHANY COLLEGE FOUNDED 1881 February 7, 1946 — Oe We Davidson, MeD. Huron Building Kansas City, Kansgs Dear Dre Davie : I am turning your letter over to Mr. Earl Palkenstein for quick action and I am sure that you will hear from him. It will be satisfactory, I am sure. I just got in from Burlington this minute and, although a little late, I am rushing to put on my baskete~ ball togs to work with the boys. I will see you at the Nebraska and Iowa State ZaMesSe Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAsMP Varsity Basketball Coach. February 5, 1946 Mr. Ed Dewer | > _ 128 South Srd Street Lindsborg, Kansas Dear Eds. I have a new pair of Phog Allen shoes either Gor 9 1/2, I believe it is 9, that'have never been worn and ‘those shoes sold for $5.00. I will let you have them for $4.00. The other shoes are $3.75. Will you let me know if you want the other two pair and whether you want them 8 or 8 1/2, If you want three pair it will be $7,00 for the two pair and $4,00 for the one pair, making $11.00. I imagine parcel post will be about 25 cents or 30 cents. If you will send me a check or a money order for this amount, I will be glad to parcel post them to yous Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, BCA:MP Varsity Pasketball Coach.