February 1, 1941 Mre Me Rs Zichler Publicity Director Friday, Ince 114 Last $2 Street New York, Ns Ye Desr Ure Eichler: I acknowledge with thanks the tear sheet from your magezine, Friday, which wes directed to the Athletic Association, Kanses University, Lawrence, Kansas. Your article, "¥Yenkiller® by Foward Cann is excellent. - Certainly the high emotional strain and the exhaustive physical strain on a growing boy at the age of puberty is too much for him when we ellow him to pley the game of basketball as it is now writtene There should be some restraint or 2 slowing up of the game periodicelly so this undeveloped boy can recuperate curing these necessary times. : With no thought ef replacing this present day geme of besketbell, but rather as « lead-up game to basketball, we heve originated e game that hes €11 the bevefits without ony of its detriments for youth Goal shooting, bail handling, offensive and defensive pley 611 have their freost ceveloprent in this new game-~Coal-Hi. I eam sending you a set of rules, together with some snap~ shots that will give you a very comprehensive idea of the possibilities of this game. After you heve looked them over, I will be gled to heve you or your experts poses judgment on the seme and write més Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Fducstion and “ecreation Varsity Basketball Cosch