August 16, 1946 Mre Dell Davidson 717 Ohio Street Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dell: ‘ I am leaving tomorrow for a twoeweeks' vacation, So far as I know, there is nothing that needs immediate attention in connection with the physical education grounds and plant. However, before school begins there are several things that will need to be done end I thought you should have them in mind so that when you had available time sie might work on theris I have the Siininlatveet toate okay to to go ahead end hire boys to work on the tennis courts following the plan that we talked about . recently. We will need to get at least one more roller and a dry lime marker and I will try to order these soon, I wish you would heck on the approximate cost of getting water to the courts so that we can sprinkle them, If it is not too. expensive to lay some pipe, we will try to get that done early in September. We should really have a drinking fountain near each group of courtse Would you be able to repair the handball courts, or do you’ want me to try to get the Buildings and Grounds to do this? They will need some boards replaced, some cracks filled, and possibly some painting done. I could probably get some students to take care of the pehesinee if we could gef the material from yous By the — we have students on the campus, we should have our touch football fields (6) ready to go, except for marking which will have to be done after we start to play. I believe that we can use 6 fields, 4 on the regular intramural fields and 2-on the hay meadowe Sometime within the first two weeks of September we will have to establish 3 touch football fields at Sunflower Ordnance. We expect to have about 2,000 students out there and we are going to have en extensive intramural program. If you need additional pipes for goal — go ahead and buy them and charge them to physical tues iehe I would also like to establish 6 horseshoe courts at Sunflower in regular bozes. Volleyball posts are already up and. all we will need to do if to mark the 3 volleyball courts there. It will probably teke a half day's work at Sunflower, possibly a daye I will be gied to go out with you and show you the location of things sometime in the early part of September. The only other thing that I can think of at present which a