Ostober 5, 1944. Mr. Don Diehl, A/S, Corpsman Barracks, U. S&S. Naval Hospital, Norman, Oklahoma. Dear Don: Mighty happy to get your letter and to know that you are going to be back with us if you don't get too seasick around the Waves. Sounds rather a paradox, doesn't it, Don? You say, "I'm now working on a sick Waves ward. « « « « Most of my spare time is going to athletios.” What kind of athletics do you have down there? Don, of course you know I am just kidding, just to get a laugh. I am glad that you are using the old A.P. 1,2,3,4, and so forth, and that will be good practice for you. And the fact that you are working on it down there will make it easier for you when you come up here. I will be mighty glad to have you. We met the squad for the first time yesterday efternaon, and had 39 out. Not a single man had ever been out for the varsity before. Dean Corder is on restriction and cannot compete for two weeks yet. They caught him playing poker after the lights were out and he was socked thirty days, Bill Lindquist flunked out and cannot return. Lou Goehring will leave November lst, and Bob Malott will soon be moving, I guess. Yes, I am going to be in Tulsa the 7th of October and I will see you. Mr. 3. C. uigley asked me to take his place at the rally down there Thursday night at some dinner meeting at the hotel. When I see you we will talk a lot about athletics at K.U, I think they are definitely on the upgrade and going places. 3 I will oven your greetings to your friends, and hope to see you next ory Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.