February 28, 1945. Mr. Ne de Dobson, Manager, Upper Peninsula Office Supply Co., Marquette, Michigan. Dear Mr. Debson: I regret that I do not have the "Magnetic Football Se eo oo of February 26. é Mr'e Viotor Hurt, formerly football coach at the University of Kansas, at one time had a mgnetic board in football. I do not know whether he hae any at ee time or not. His address is: Ur. Victor Hurt, Director, Philbrook Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fducation, FCA: AH «Varsity Basketball Coach, Auditorium Seating-Church Furniture Upp, UPPER PENINSULA OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY Mimeographs—Ditto Machines ss WHOLESALE OFFICE AND SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Lodge and Club Room Equipment MARQUETTE, MICHIGAN February 26, 1945 Dr. F. ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We have been advised by the Sporting Goods Journal that you manufacture Magnetic Football and Basketball Strategy BoardsSe In connection with the sporting goods department of our business, we are receiving some calls for an item of this ng ture. Please inform us what you have to offer. Hoping you will kindly let us have this data from you by return mail, we remain Yours very truly, NW D:sd WHB BROADCASTING COMPANY « KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI SCARRITT BUILDING, PHONE HARRISON 1161 DONALD DWIGHT DAVIS, President ‘“THIS IS MUTUAL”? December 18, 1944 Phog Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: As you know, the Saturday Evening Post which will be out on Wednes= day of this week, will have a big editorial with reference to pro= fessionalism in basket ball. I understand that it quotes you as the Post authority! While this subject is "hot", would you like to make a short talk e the subject over WHB? We have a line to WREN for the KU "Know Your Kansas Government" program =- and I think could originate the program from Lawrence; so that you would not have to come to Kansas City especially for this purpose. On the other hand, we should be delighted to have you here if you would prefer to come over here. WHB is publishing a new little magazine ~ the January issue will be out next week ~ and we would like to have an article by you on this topicfor our February issue = from 750 to 1000 words. And we'll pay author's rates! Let me know what you think. Very ruly yours, Donald Dwight Davis DDD:AR WHB BROADCASTING COMPANY + KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI SCARRITT BUILDING, PHONE HARRISON 1161 DONALD DWIGHT DAVIS, President ‘“*THIS IS MUTUAL’? January 2, 1945 Dr. Forest Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phogs Are you going to be in Kansas City again within the next few days? The photograph they took of you in our Studios wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be —- and I'd like to try to get another shot. When are you going to send us your article for Swing? Cordially yours, Dohald Dwight Davis DDD:AR irs Donald Dwight Davis, | President, WHE Broadcasting Company, Kensas City, aie Dear Don: We go to Uolumbia, sine on fale, leaving here.at 5:50 in the morning. We will “ of Kensas City at 8:45, and that-is too early for a photograph. - i= ago ora gt vg Heat ppg: ho il do not arrive in fannas Oity, returning, oe Das Ut oteloak is uot to ante for you Kann cow tthe stulo o Saturday oweuing- OF course, the. pias may be late, but we can try ‘ it. . : -. have defini been woriking on tite article for Swing and I had hoped to have it this week, but it seems as if I am : progress with so many committee meetings to cooupy almost of either the forencon, afterneon or evening. However, I samp thing to. gulett to you Tory Surly. If after at: tis letter you feel that wo oan get. the photograph Saturday, oall me here at K.U. 83 and I will try to make | i Hath all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Sducation, Varsity eames Goache February 1, 1945. “Professor Wa Ws Devils, Dear W. Vi Robert Moliniy Davis said that he sont you sume dope on the 40th amiversary of Rotary. I promised to speak on Wednesday, February 2], at Olathe, end on Tuesday, Pebruary 20, at Baldwin, on this subject. Robert McNair thinks you are going to speak on Washington, so if you are not using this, oe I will appreciate it. itiietat Sha wteseesdeneiiiadil Sleek Gtk eas te ik is eas beating from me, but I will try to carry on and would appreciate: what little dope Rebert McNair sent you. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 31, 1945. | Mr. Jeff Devis, Arkansas State Senha College, Conway, Arkansas. Dear Jeff: Mr. Quigley handed me your letter and I am sending you a sepy of our booklet which is instructions to our students desiring to major in Physical Education. I trust that this will be helpful. 7 ; Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH ; Varsity Basketball Coach. THE ARKANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE NORMAL STATION, CONWAY, ARKANSAS January 22, 1945 bal Ca eo Ate Renee © MD HR = +e mR 4 © oO OQ -~ CA 10 = MO h ety bic ee oO oO 3 to t i= ba es a Dy 14>) F3 am pt ct f KR 0 lanning Giici her CA 4 Gy Lo and fe nw | Ky - Os walt 3 ot Oo: O72 o i a 6 Ou td oe } fo: "3 @ pad mo ¢ od or O mM a OQ, I ' me Be) ms @D Oo Mo ~ ch’ O <0 chi oO pier Ooo ? 2 @D mM Ho Ore tC SS 09 cS SS ewg Crt Cr Low HO FIO es O09: 1 ta a Pee 18, re » O Fc 5 =m 4 Overt oer oO RR Qs be ht bd OF C5 ct? chon Mm Ct} age C 5 ; OD DHH MA @¢ dH. © ns97oO0o m cH a tp he OD gt 3 Ra fe3) Qu - oe ® Will you pleese forward to me whet undergreduete courses such a person m your University under the conditions outli the requirements for*men and women so indicate. Department January 26, 1945. Mr « Jim DePasquale, 832 Mason Street, | \ Niles, Ohio. Dear Jim: "My Basketball Bible” has been out of print for fifteen years or more, and we are no longer able to obtain copies of However, I have a much more up-to-date text, "Better -Basketball", which I think you would like to have. The fundamentals and the plays described in this book are used by the Kansas varsity team. There are many photographs and diagrams included in the book. I am enclosing some printed material which describes the book more fully. The price of the book is $4.00. It is for sale at most ‘book stores and sporting goods firms, but if you would like to have an autographed copy I would be happy to send it to you on receipt of a oheck or money order for $4.00 plus ten cents to cover the postage in mailing the book to you. Very sincerely yours, Director of Phydical Education, POCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. 2952 Euclid Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. November 26th, 1944, To Whom It May Concern, in KANSAS. There is a certain football team, Whose habitat is KANSAS; fo whom I wish to dedicate, These few imperfect stanzas. You tried your BEST, Thanksgiving Day, With GOOSE-EGGS LARGE, to smeereus; But ev'rywhere you RAN, alas, There ALSO-RAN KEE-KEE-RUS. So, when the game was over, BOYS, 'Tis SAD, alas, and yet, ‘tis TRUE; The score, for us, was TWENTY-EIGHT, But NOTTA goledarn THING FOR YOU. Geo M.Dallas, 2932 Euclid Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Clarence Douglasg, ReFebe i, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doug: I find that I have failed to thank you for the wonderful job that you did at ow basketball game just before Christmas. Everybody told me what «a wonderful time they had. ty belated thanks to you are ne the less sincere. Cordially yours, Since lk esi hance FCA st. Hi Varsity Basketball coach. 215 WEST PERSHING ROAD ‘ Phone Victor 6450 . KANSAS CITY 8, MISSOURI INCAS ADVAN AGENCY K. W. DAVIDSON Manager Dec. 20, 1944 Dre Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Department of Athletics, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Phog: At the Auditorium the other night, you mentioned to Bob Johnson that there might be a few extra tickets about for the games Friday and/or Saturday nights, If there is a surplus, it would be ashamed to waste them, and I — could use a couple--and would be extremely grateful if there were any. This is not an urgency, but I would enjoy ite Further deponent sayeth not. It was a real pleasure to see you, and to be in on the informal K. U. reunion afterward. Things like that are most valuable in fostering school and alumni spirit and goodwill. Best of holiday wishes to you and yourse Sincerely, kwd/lr JOHN B. DURFEE ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NATIONAL BANK OF TULSA BLDG. TULSA, OKLAHOMA October 19, 1944 Mr. Forrest C.Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phos": Thanks so much for your very kind letter of October 10 enclosing an edition of the "Rebounds" compiled and circulated by you among K. U. eratbowies in the armed forces of this country. I think that you are performing a great and worthwhile service and enjoyed reading it although I didn't know any of the men discussed by you in this edition. This " Teep" T. P. Hunter certainly must have been a great guy, and I know that his death was untimely and a great shock to his many fréends everywhere. "Phog" to my best recollection the K. U. graduates attending the luncheon given in your honor and the rest of the coaching staff were: Walter Kimmel, Fred Haddock, C. I. Johnsm, Hunter L. esis Zeke Burton, Forrest De bickecei, 2. H. Hamilton, Malcolm L. McCune, Henry Duncan, M. M. Lawellin, Martin D. Wallingford. Dr. E. F. Ammons, James A. Brouk, Vic Hutt cok acess. i know that all of these gentlemen would like receiving an issue of the Rebounds you sent me and all future issues 4 would be kind enough tosend them. I really think that you are doing a great job at Lawrence both for the city and the University, and I am amazed at the energy you seem to possess and theenthusiasm you have for your various duties. I am hopeful that Henry Shenk and his assistants can get the football team in the right frame of mind and condition to beat Nebraska Saturday. If I can get anyone to make the trip with me I may come up to the game. If I should get up I'll eall at the athletic office to see you and the rest of the staff. With best wishes to you and the entire staff and hoping for your continued good health and success, I assure you sincerely. dially yours /, g® UN DE oR SC Hd Mo ME eb DoT Roe eC oT ON EXECUTIVE OFPELEGE HOTEL LASSEN Wichita, Kansas November 30, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Alien Director of Physicai iducation Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear mrs Alien: Thank you very kindiy for sending me Colonel Brown's address. I appreciate this very much as I have been wanting to write to Brownie for a long time. I thought he was overseas. ae Any time I can be of service to you, I shail be very happy to have you call. Best regards. Ever-LASSEN-Lly yours, Arch Diliman Assistant Manager THE HOTELL LASSEN AD: sp Wichita, 2, Kansas ia, CORNHUSKER BLACKSTONE CUSTER LINCOLN, NEBR. LASSEN OMAHA. NEBR. GALESBURG, ILL. WICHITA, KANSAS GEORGE PEPPERDINE COLLEGE bb2 WEST SEVENTY-NINTH STREET LOS ANGELES 44, CALIFORNIA November 15, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear *Phog"™? We are writing you with reference to our team com- ing to Kansas City during the coming Christmas season. AS you know, when we first received information about your tournament, we immediately scheduled a series of games which we would play on the way to Kansas City and back to Los Angeles. At the present time we have some ten games booked. We are arriving in Kansas City about the 20th of December and we will remain there until the Hearts of America games on the 29th and 30th. If there is any possibility of our playing an exhibition game in your series or taking part in the tournament itself, we would be pleased if you would keep us in mind. We would also appreicate it if you would advise:us of any good commercial teams we could possibly meet in Kansas City on the 2lst. As you undoubtedly realize, a trip of this nature involves considerable expense and it is very neces- sary for us to make every effort to make both ends meet. I am sorry things did not work out for us to partici- pate in your games on the 22nd and 23rd. However, we are grateful for the consideration and hope that it will be possible for us to resume basketball relations again in the very near future. With kindest personal regards and expecting to see you in Kansas City during the holidays, I remain, Sincerely, a A. O. Duer Head, Athletic Department Coach of Basketball AOD/np Hovember 28, 1944. Mr. Arch Dillman, Asst. Manager, Hotel Lassen, Wichita, Kansas. Dear Mr. Diliman: Remenbering your inquiry about Harold Browne, the former Nebraska coach, I am sending you his address herewith: Colonel W. H. Browne, 2145 C St. N.ji., Office of Inspector General, Room 515, Washington, D. C. Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education © FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. HOTEL LASSEN A SCHIMMEL HOTEL ARCH DILLMAN ASST. MANAGER WICHITA, KANSAS THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR November 27, 1944. Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": The address of Colonel W. H. Browne is 2145 C St. N.We, Office of Inspector General, Room 515, Washington, D.C. With best wishes, I am Very truly yours, a A. Jf Lewandowski Director of Athletics November 24, 1944. Mr. A. J. Lewandowski, Basketball Coach, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Lew: _ I wonder if you would be kind enough to send me the address of Lt. Col. Harold E. Browne. I will appreciate this very much. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 27, 1944. Dr. 0. We Davidson, Huron Building, | Kaneas City, Kansas. Dear Cr. Devidson: I want you to know that I heave not forgotten my promise to you in seeing that you have tickots for cour games when we play Rockhurst on the 12th, and also when we play in Kansas City on the 22nd and 25rd of December. I will check with you and find what games you oan attend, and we will have tickets for you. 7 It cortainly was good to sea you. Very sineerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach, November 24, 1944. My. George Dick, 1222 Mississippi St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear George: 7 I have been trying to get you over the telephone. I had a nibble this morning for a job that should pay you $225.00 a month as a reoreation teacher - if you are interested. &s soon as you get this, and if I am not able to get you over the telephone, please get in touch with me. Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 13, 1944. Mr. C. We Diehl, 7 | Smith County State Bank, Smith Center, Kansas. Dear Mr. Diehl: As much as I would be delighted to address your local Chamber of Commerce honoring your high school football team, I find that I must decline. We have some very early basketball dates, with our finst game on December 4th. Our practice schedule has been interrupted so much that I feel to take any time away from the boys at the present time would be prejudicial to then. However, I do want to thank your members and you who suggested that I speak to the boys. Will you please convey to them my congratulations. and best wishes? a t We are mighty happy to have Don on our varsity squad again this year. He is very enthusiastic and he is a much improved basketball player. — As a student he has always been tops. My kindest regards, pleasg, to Mrs. Diehl. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FOA:AR Varsity Basketball Coach. SMITH COUNTY STATE BANK F. E. LULL, President C. W. DIEHL, Vice-President - Cashier OPAL WELTMER, Asst. Cashier SMITH CENTER, KANSAS November 9, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: For many years it has been the custom of the local Chamber of Commerce to give a banquet honoring our local high school foot- ball team. For the feature of the evening, we invite a speaker, usually a coach, from one of our Kansas universities. Several of our members have suggested that I write you and see whether or — not it would be possible for you to make the trip to °mith Center and speak at this banquet. lo definite date has been set although the best time would seem to be the week ending December 16. The most convenient night as far as we are concerned is Thursday although arrangement could be made to hold the banquet Wednesday or Friday. The time would be 7:00 P.M. The train schedule from Lawrence is not too good as 1 believe the train leaves Lawrence about 7:00 A,M. and arrives here et 3s: P.M. On the return trip, the train leaves Smith Center at 1le:50 A.M. and arrives at Lawrence about 7:00 A.M. Il. appreciate t that you are probably in the midst of molding a basketball team, but if you find it convenient to make the trip we will appreciate it very much. Thanking you for your rents and with kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely = C. W. Vieni cwD /nd x