January 26, 1945. Mr « Jim DePasquale, 832 Mason Street, | \ Niles, Ohio. Dear Jim: "My Basketball Bible” has been out of print for fifteen years or more, and we are no longer able to obtain copies of However, I have a much more up-to-date text, "Better -Basketball", which I think you would like to have. The fundamentals and the plays described in this book are used by the Kansas varsity team. There are many photographs and diagrams included in the book. I am enclosing some printed material which describes the book more fully. The price of the book is $4.00. It is for sale at most ‘book stores and sporting goods firms, but if you would like to have an autographed copy I would be happy to send it to you on receipt of a oheck or money order for $4.00 plus ten cents to cover the postage in mailing the book to you. Very sincerely yours, Director of Phydical Education, POCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.