215 WEST PERSHING ROAD ‘ Phone Victor 6450 . KANSAS CITY 8, MISSOURI INCAS ADVAN AGENCY K. W. DAVIDSON Manager Dec. 20, 1944 Dre Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Department of Athletics, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Phog: At the Auditorium the other night, you mentioned to Bob Johnson that there might be a few extra tickets about for the games Friday and/or Saturday nights, If there is a surplus, it would be ashamed to waste them, and I — could use a couple--and would be extremely grateful if there were any. This is not an urgency, but I would enjoy ite Further deponent sayeth not. It was a real pleasure to see you, and to be in on the informal K. U. reunion afterward. Things like that are most valuable in fostering school and alumni spirit and goodwill. Best of holiday wishes to you and yourse Sincerely, kwd/lr